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How to feed your soul

Have you ever noticed how we spend so much attention on feeding our bodies and our tastes? Rarely do we miss a meal. But it’s well beyond that. We pay a lot of attention to enjoying our food and getting the best dining experiences. Sometimes, food is the ultimate epitome of a celebration in our lives.

And there’s nothing wrong with it; great experiences and comfort, to a degree, are part of a wholesome and fulfilling life, no matter which aspect of our lives they are related to. But our attention is not proportionately spent in enriching our lives equally in all of its facets. Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs says that our attention is centered around what our body needs most of all and safety, i.e., the base of Maslow’s pyramid. After those needs are satisfied, it moves higher to fulfill our emotional and esteem-related needs. Finally, our spiritual needs or higher purpose sit at the peak of the pyramid. It’s not hard to see that the higher tiers of the pyramid require greater effort and energy, in part because they come much later in the hierarchy and are harder to get to. The other reason is that searching and seeking out the best and quickest ways to satisfy our spiritual needs are not easy to find.

The good news is that you’re in good hands now. In Sahaja, there’s a lot of experience and methods in giving equal, if not greater, emphasis on feeding our soul with rich experiences. In our busy lives and amidst all the challenges, nourishing our spiritual being requires careful planning and insights into how experienced meditators do it.

Drawing comparisons between how we feed our body and our soul can help us understand this in greater detail.

How to turn social distancing into a benefit

One of the most used phrases in 2020 was “social distancing”. Not only did it become popular, but it brought upon the world’s population quite a bit of misery.

With newer mutations of the virus and many months to go before any significant part of the population can be vaccinated, social distancing continues to be part of our lives in varying degrees. We yearn to go back to our pre-pandemic lives, where we never had to think about getting together with people or attending an event of any size. 

Also, pandemic fatigue is setting in. Most people are getting to a point where it doesn’t seem worthwhile to make such a big sacrifice to their lives’ quality just to prevent getting infected by the virus.

But can there be a silver lining to the forced distancing and significantly less active social life? Are there ways in which we can convert this problem into an opportunity for ourselves? What if our lives could be made richer during this time?

Let’s see how.

How Sahaja Online transformed my life

By Charles Steck, New Orleans, Louisiana

Subscriber at Sahaja Online and avid meditator


Monday morning, its raining, and traffic is backed up on the interstate. I am running late, and the boss is not going to be pleased.


I hated my job, yet it paid well.


I reached for the Nicotine and the Red Bull next to me. The combination induced a simultaneous release of adrenaline and dopamine, which provided some short term relief from the fearful thought of getting fired. After arriving 10 minutes late, it turned out that the boss was not in yet, and a large contract that I had been working on arrived!


Life was great, yet…..


Planning your success for the next decade – Part 1

The 2020s are coming soon upon us. We wish everyone a successful entry into a new decade. 


But let’s take a step back to introspect.


Where were we in our lives at the start of the last decade, the 2010s?


What was the quality of our life then, and how is it now?


What are the good things and not so good things that transpired in the past decade?


Another ten years hence, we will all be in a different stage in our lives and ten years older. The years we have left and the time available for accomplishments are all ticking clocks. Unstoppable and decreasing all the time.


What should be our priorities for the next decade so that we can reflect again in 10 years and ensure that our life is fulfilling and successful?

How to Look at Yourself in High Definition

Virtually, every meditation sign and poster today says one thing – Feeling Stressed? Try our meditation. Or something similar. But did you know that meditation’s very simple, yet most powerful benefit can be to give you a complete detailed insight about yourself?


What if you knew every bit about your strengths, drawbacks, emotions and feelings, reactions and more importantly, the root causes of these? Or if you were able to trace your health problems back to deeper problems at the core of your being? Best of all, even get advance warning of problems in your life?


And what if you had instantaneous, day-to-day feedback about this – an inbuilt power and intricate sensory perception deep inside your being that relayed everything to you with startling accuracy? Revelations that you know in your heart of hearts are true and cannot run away from?


Welcome to the high definition view of yourself, that is accessible by powerful meditation constructs and techniques provided by Sahaja meditation.