How SOL Works

Quick Start Guide

If you’re looking to jump right in and start receiving the benefits of Sahaja meditation, we believe the following is the shortest path:

1. Watch Our Quick-Start Trailers

These videos will give you a bird’s-eye view of what Sahaja meditation is and how Sahaja Online works.


2. Watch the Energy Awakening Video

This video will show you how the initiation process works and explain the awakening of the subtle energy system.


3. Sign Up to Start Attending Our Online Meditation Sessions

Go to our Sign Up page, to register with Sahaja Online. You’ll then be able to receive email notifications about scheduling and meditation events and newsletters, as well as correspond with our coaches. You’ll also receive priority responses to your questions.

4. Browse Our meditation calendar

Once you’ve registered and logged on to Sahaja Online, visit our Meditation Calendar to view our introductory session schedule so that you can make plans to attend the session that’s most convenient for you.

5. Set Up Online Meditation Access on Your Device

We render our online meditation through a webinar interface that requires a simple one-time set-up process the first time you use it.

After signing up, you can go to the Meditation Calendar under the Meditate Online menu and RSVP for specific sessions you would like to attend. You can RSVP for sessions up to 12 hours prior to the session start after which we close the RSVPs.

For attending the session, simply log in to Sahaja Online 15 minutes prior to the first introductory session you plan to attend.  You’ll be able to attend any of our online sessions directly through the webinar application by clicking the Live Session button for the specific session you want to join on the Meditation Calendar page.

You’ll also see a “Join Live Session” button at the top of the home page for you to join a session.

Note: The Live session link only becomes active starting 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the session.

If you’re joining via a device such as an iPad, iPhone or Android device, then you’ll need to install the Zoom Cloud Meetings app on your device. This app will allow you to attend our online meetings by clicking on the “Live Session” link as mentioned above.

If you don’t happen to have a computer or mobile device, you can also join our online meditation sessions by phone call. The phone numbers to call and the meeting ID are provided on the How to Join page.

6. Attend Our Introductory Sessions

Your first online introductory session will initiate you into the practice of Sahaja meditation by providing Self-Realization. After this first session, you’re ready to meditate whenever and wherever you want. Information on how to meditate at home is also provided in this session.

7. Meditate Daily at Home

After initiation, and once your inner energy system has been activated, you can begin to practice meditation at home. It’s best to set aside 10- to 15-minute blocks of time each day — ideally, in the morning and evening. Thereafter, your experience will determine how long your meditation needs to be.

After a week or a few days, you can also start adding other techniques into your daily schedule, such as foot soaking, and the clearing and balancing of your energy centers and channels. Instructions for these techniques are available in our Resources section .

Note: You need to subscribe and be logged in to view all the downloadable materials.

You can also watch our instructional videos to learn more about how to perform these techniques.

And if you’re having trouble finding the time to meditate daily, don’t worry. Sahaja is a flexible practice that gives you plenty of time and latitude to gradually settle into your meditation routine.

8. Attend Ongoing Beginner Sessions

Collective or group meditation is a key success factor in the journey of Sahaja meditation. We highly recommend that you check our Meditation Calendar for group online meditation sessions or ongoing sessions and start attending them, at least once a week. You’re welcome to attend as many of these sessions as you like.

9. Enhance your Knowledge

As you’re settling into the experience of Sahaja meditation, we recommend that you spend time at your leisure exploring the vast amount of information on our website. A word of caution, though: It’s best not to attempt to master the knowledge available on the website before you focus on the experience and practice of meditation. In the Sahaja meditation practice, the opposite approach tends to be more effective: Your first goal is to settle into the experience, then gradually enhance your knowledge.