Practitioner’s Journey – Sahaja Online Practitioner’s Journey – Sahaja Online

Character and Personality

Personality Development Through Sahaja

What do you need to begin the journey?

A Strong Urge Within

There are only a handful of prerequisites for this journey. The seeking urge. Willingness to work and patience with yourself. Perseverance. Open-mindedness. And humility.

If you’re reading this page, it’s clear that you’ve already met the first prerequisite: the inner urge to pursue a higher spiritual state. However, for journey to be successful, that spark needs to become a strong urge or desire that remains within you for the rest of your life. The journey of spiritual ascent is a constant fight against forces that tend to take us down gradually, in degrees, in the absence of any action to rise higher. It’s an even tougher battle if we’re doing things that actually push us in the opposite direction. (Like what? you may be asking. Well, being greedy and lusting after someone else’s money or spouse are good examples!)

Hard Work and Perseverance

The next prerequisite is acceptance of the fact that nothing is gained in life without hard work and perseverance. If you’re looking for a magical pill for spirituality, or if someone has promised you that, then you need to re-think your strategy. Or if you think that you can pay for some expensive course that will confer upon you spiritual ascent, you’re mistaken. Patience and the ability to bounce back after setbacks are necessary elements of spiritual improvement.

An Open Mind

Also important is keeping an open mind and experiment as a scientist would. If you’re not the type who can easily let go of previously-learned concepts and “conventional wisdom” and be prepared to accept some surprises, you must also be prepared for slower progress. Or, if you’re one of those who thinks that science is the beginning and end of everything and no other realms are to be explored, you’ll find it difficult to ever have a meaningful spiritual life. You can test and experiment with whatever new concepts you come across, but when results are verifiable through your own experience, you must be able to shake off past mental conditionings that are holding you back or those that you were unnecessarily clinging to due to some sort of insecurity.


Finally, one of the fundamental qualities essential for spiritual evolution is humility. Whenever the ego dominates, you make no progress, and worse, will likely even regress. The trouble is, the human ego is extremely subtle, so much so that it can creep up on you and balloon without your realizing it. Ego checks may be frequently required. You must be able to view yourself as an egoistic personality, or better still, witness this personality inside you as if it were separate from you so that you can view it objectively and realistically, and continue to do so all your life. Humility triggers the feeling of surrender to the all-powerful force of nature and allows it to work inside you. After all, wasn’t nature supposed to be all powerful, even though we often take it for granted and sometimes even believe that man-made creations can overpower it?

How You’ll Feel…Self-Realization, Channels, Chakras

One of the first Sahaja meditation experiences you’ll have is a feeling of inner calm and detachment. You’ll notice it when you first begin your meditation practice, as well as during and slightly after the Self-Realization process. If you continue to practice meditation regularly, this feeling grows stronger. The first signs of improvement my manifest in the form of increased patience and more balanced emotional reactions. You’re likely to be surprised at this innate and automatic change within.

Over time, as you begin to feel the energy flowing through you, you’ll experience the automatic manifestation of the fundamental qualities of each chakra.

Following are examples of what the typical practitioner experiences as the state of each chakra improves…

Innocence, Wisdom, Chastity (1st Chakra: Mooladhara)

As the state of your Mooladhara chakra improves, you’ll find that your attention has suddenly become clearer. If your attention used to be overpowered and directed by outward, external events and forces such as greed or lust, you’ll notice that, as you practice meditation, these tendencies diminish. In fact, it may take some time to adjust to the emerging reality of such a deep, intrinsic change, but you’ll likely be pleasantly surprised.

You’ll experience a sense of restored innocence and wisdom. For while our native innocence can never be destroyed, it can be masked by ego, negative influences, and conditionings that we’ve accumulated throughout our lives, obscuring the wisdom that goes with it.

If you were spending a lot of time trying to be clever or outsmart others or develop elaborate plans to protect yourself, you’ll find that it’s no longer necessary. It may seem as if things simply work out smoothly and automatically. Sure, you’ll still experience difficult situations throughout life, but you’ll also experience a sense of confidence that you can manage all of life’s complications with relative ease. You’ll find that you’re less vulnerable to distractions and emotional disturbances and that it’s becoming easier to balance your priorities.

The Mooladhara chakra helps us maintain harmony with nature and avoid unnatural lifestyle choices (i.e., acts that are unhealthy, perverse or “against nature.” With careful focus and perseverance through meditation, people who are sex addicts or subject to sexual perversions may be surprised that such tendencies begin to gradually drop away. Temptations lose their power over you. In general, you’ll find renewed confidence, strength and energy to fight off addictions and dependencies of all kinds, even though old temptations may still sometimes attract you. It takes time for the Self to become stronger than your memories and conditionings, and such tendencies are normal during the process of growth and evolution into a better personality.

Your sense of direction and purpose improves. Your overall sense of judgment and decision-making ability becomes much stronger and will seem to come much easier.

At times, you may feel like a joyous child immersed in your work or your relationships, and people will find tremendous value in being with you, as well. Nothing feels amiss. Everything in your life goes like clockwork. You may even find that if you’re not spending time on something that you’re supposed to, that work or activity is either not required at that time or it somehow gets taken care of. You have the sense that you are in grand, spontaneous unison and harmony with the universe.

For more information, see Characteristics of the Mooladhara Chakra.

Power of Creation, Creativity, Pure Desire and Knowledge (2nd Chakra: Swadishthana)

The following characteristics are formed over time through the awakening and strengthening of the Swadishthana chakra…

The primary quality of Swadisthana is creativity. You’ll find that creative solutions to problems or challenges seem to appear almost effortlessly. You’ll also find that this phenomenon is more pronounced on days when you experience a high quality meditative state. In reality, you’ll have good days and bad days in your meditative practice. When your day is bad and your connection to the all-pervading power seems weak, you might find yourself “running in circles,” struggling to find solutions and answers. On the other hand, when you’ve meditated deeply, your ideas and solutions will be amazing. It is from Swadisthana that we receive inspiration and are infused with pure knowledge. From these qualities, we discover that the beauty and power of creation is already reflected within us, an infinite reservoir waiting to be tapped.

Over time, you’ll find that the more energy power you draw, based on the state you and your chakras are in, the more everything works brilliantly. Your attention becomes sharper and more focused.

Sure, there will be dips on a day-to-day basis, but the long-term trajectory is upward and one of improving, better-controlled attention. On strong meditative days, your attention is cleaner — fewer unproductive thoughts, useless analyses, and emotional tussles.

You’ll begin to experience purity in your desires. You’ll find that whatever you’re desiring seems constructive, benevolent and beneficial to yourself and to others. You’ll find yourself thinking only positive thoughts and wanting whatever is good for your spiritual improvement.

You won’t need to discipline yourself to “think positive” or fervently wish for good things to happen. You’ll simply find that you’re automatically desirous of positive things. That may sound too magical to be true, but you’ll quickly learn that this phenomenon is real. There is one caveat: This positive state is dependent upon the quality of your meditative state.

The quality of pure knowledge associated with Swadisthana relates to the innate knowledge of the absolute and the power of intuition within you.

This is a very subtle characteristic. You’re able to differentiate clearly between knowledge that you acquire through reading and learning versus that which simply occurs to you or seems to come from within. Over time, you’ll find that solutions simply somehow work out and that they often come to you not by exercising deliberate concentration, but by sheer spontaneity. Many inspirations may come to you while you’re simply immersed in the state of thoughtless awareness.

For more information, see Characteristics of the Swadishthan Chakra.

Peace, Generosity, Satisfaction and Caring (3rd Chakra: Nabhi)

The Nabhi chakra represents the “seeking” urge within you.

If you’ve find yourself exploring the content of this website in depth, you already have a strong seeking urge to achieve a more meaningful, purpose-filled life. The human seeking urge is directed toward different goals at different times. Usually, we progress from basic goal states to more evolved states, such as spirituality. At the most basic level, we seek food, water, shelter, security. Then we tend to progress to lifestyle improvements, perhaps seeking to increase material wealth, affluence and power. Ultimately, we pursue the higher, subtler aspects of existence: self-actualization, self-realization and spiritual truth.

It is this intuition or inner voice within that prompts you to ask harder questions and search for answers that will make you a better, happier person. While a basic seeking urge might lead you to pursue a journey such as Sahaja, experiencing the initial experience of Self-Realization and regular meditation nourishes the Nabhi chakra, further strengthening and expanding your seeking instincts. You may realize that you’ve found what you were looking for all along. Often, we don’t know what we’re seeking until we find it. We aren’t sure what to expect, or just how enlightened we can actually become. We only know that this intuitive voice within is urging us to keep seeking.

Through Nabhi, our minds are opened to the possibilities. Once you’ve passed through the initial experience of understanding Sahaja, you may feel as if you’ve struck gold. Not the kind of gold that will make you materially wealthy, but the one that’s even more precious and will make you spiritually wealthy. So you begin to explore the depths of spirituality, which are, in reality, limitless. As you seek answers from within, you become more enlightened about yourself, others around you, and the larger universe. The sky isn’t even the limit here. The universe is!

When you meditate regularly, you feel peaceful from within. Your reactions are balanced and disturbances within you are minimal. During Sahaja meditation, the feeling of peace does not exist alone. It’s accompanied by the powerful state of thoughtless awareness, as well as a strong flow of vibrations on the fingers and palms — an overall soothing experience. Your sense of peace will be directly proportional to the intensity of vibrations and the inner silence provided by thoughtless awareness. This equanimous state indicates that your subtle energy system has a strong connection to the divine all-pervading power.

This constant, long-term connection brings about an unusually high degree of satisfaction from within. You stop chasing excessive material gains in life or things that have no meaning to your spiritual evolution.

And the best part is that you often feel that you have more than what you need or desired. While this satisfaction doesn’t dampen your ambitions or passions in life, it definitely gives you a terrific advantage: You feel no undue pressure to pursue your ambitions because you’re no longer “desperately wanting” something. You may, in fact, be perfectly happy to receive no material returns. Your ambitions are refined to seeking achievements that inspire you and others around you and to having a positive impact on their lives, rather than seeking achievements that satisfy your ego or that of others, such as your boss.

You develop an innate sense of generosity.

You’re not paranoid about holding on dearly to what you have. You begin to see and experience the joy of giving. Nothing pleases you more than to see your financial resources and effort serve a cause that will benefit everyone, yourself included.

You develop a sense of caring that is deeper than before.

You get better at being sensitive to others and taking good care of the people around you. The Nabhi chakra helps women, specifically, develop improved abilities to care for their children and family.

If you’ve caught your thoughts and attention wandering all over the place and have had a hard time focusing and getting things done, you’re sure to find that your attention becomes clearer and cleaner as you continue to meditate, thanks to the state of thoughtless awareness. You’ll find that the experience of thoughtless awareness continues to improve attentional control beyond meditation, as well.

Clear attention results from nourishment of the Nabhi chakra, which controls the liver — the seat of our attention. You’ll find that you’re rarely confused and when you are, you’re able to sort the jumble of thoughts quickly and arrive at a solution. More importantly, your attention is no longer clouded by negative thoughts, harmful attractions or temptations. Your attention is a clear, pure, direct, swiftly-moving stream that can lead you to a higher state of consciousness.

For more information see Characteristics of the Nabhi chakra.

Self-Mastery and the Void.

The circular area in the region of our stomach known as the Void region of the subtle energy system, grants us the power of self-mastery.

From the Void area, we develop the maturity to take charge of our emotions and behaviors and achieve spiritual evolution with less external influence or intervention required.

We become self-regulating, self-reliant, self-sufficient. We are able to achieve success in life through self-teaching. We exhibit a type of gravity and depth that compels others to reach out to us when they need help.

Self-mastery also strengthens willpower and self-discipline. Over and above everything else, the knowledge of the ultimate — spirituality, the divine and our place in the universe — becomes accessible to us intuitively.

For more information, see Characteristics of the Void Region.

Security, Confidence, Kindness, Unconditional Love and Compassion (4th Chakra: Heart or Anahat)

From the very day you start meditating, you’ll begin to feel more patient and tolerant towards others. Over time, you become kinder and more likely to give the benefit of doubt to others when they make mistakes or behave in an unacceptable manner. Sometimes past conditionings can cause us to confuse true love and compassion with possession and selfishness.

But as the Kundalini energy nourishes you, you’ll find that the clouds of your ego, conditionings and mental or outward/external symbols or representations of love give way to deeper feelings of true love and compassion.

You may actually feel your heart experiencing these deeper emotions and it will feel quite natural.

You become more empathetic and benevolent toward others without regard to self-interest.  You will naturally feel concern for someone who’s in trouble or experiencing a problem and your first reaction will be to jump in and help them, even if it “costs” you in some way; e.g., time, effort or even money. You are able to love for love’s sake, for pure love gives without interest. It has no other motives.

You may find that you’re no longer dependent on the daily news for entertainment or to satisfy curiosity. You’re more likely to devote your time to self-actualizing, self-realizing thoughts and actions, such as seeking solutions to major world problems and relieving global suffering. You may find yourself devoting more time to important “causes outside your own skin.” The Anahat chakra strengthens the Good Samaritan in us.

You’ll begin to process the world differently. You’ll feel a greater sense of moral responsibility and develop increased social consciousness. Say for instance, you hear that the economic crisis in Europe has caused some mothers to leave their infants in homeless shelters because they couldn’t afford to care for them. Well, this is so much bigger than the typical news that accompanies your morning cup of coffee and the casual thoughts it evokes. You’re thinking instead how heart-wrenching it must be for the mother and her infant, wondering how things got to this point. And even if you can’t do anything immediately to change the bad things that happen everyday somewhere in the world, you know that you have a connection to the all-pervading power and that you can help grant the power of Self-Realization to others and play your part, however small it might be, in making the world more caring and peaceful in days to come.

Now, two things have just happened…

First, you’re beginning to focus less on yourself and more on others; second, you’re feeling genuine compassion from the depths of your heart with a desire to make the world better. When you actually take the next step of sharing your resources with others, teaching them to meditate, or even just talking to them about it, you begin to experience a deep sense of joy and satisfaction because you’re helping other people’s lives change for the better.

The Kundalini awakening lightens your heart and the spirit within is truly bubbling with energy and positivity.

The Heart chakra allows us to feel the pure joy of existence and discover our meaning and purpose in the world.

True joy is rather unique and may be, for many, a rare experience. It’s easy to confuse excitement or even happiness with joy. Joy is an innate, spontaneous feeling, a continuous inner surge of positivity that keeps you in good humor throughout the day. It’s not a whim, mood or momentary state that comes and goes with passing events. It’s a natural state of existence that allows you to simply enjoy whatever, whenever, wherever you are.

Many of our problems stem from fear and insecurity, including emotional disturbances such as anxiety and outward behaviors such as displays of anger.

As the Kundalini energy nourishes the Heart chakra, we become more confident, secure, and emotionally well-balanced.

We develop stronger coping mechanisms, which protect us against negative influences.

When your heart chakra is completely open and clear, you’ll be surprised at how few things really scare or worry you. As your confidence gradually increases over time, negative emotions resulting from built-up insecurity and fear disappear. Even in stressful situations, you’ll be amazed at your own calm resilience in witnessing events unfold without emotional overactivity. Chances are, you will be able to maintain self-control. While you may be concerned and may experience a normal emotional reaction, you’ll find yourself quickly analyzing worst-case scenarios, accepting reality and shifting into a more objective, action-oriented problem-solving mode. If the outcome is not what you’d consider ideal, you’ll find it easier to accept it and move past it quickly, even if you feel sad or hurt.

Over time, you become more fearless and confident in resolving difficult situations. You don’t hesitate to make decisions and take action when necessary, even when the path ahead seems difficult. You may not have all the answers, but you’re not one to run away or avoid facing the problem head-on. Even if you fail to solve the problem, you have no qualms about gracefully accepting defeat, knowing that you tried your best.

Artificiality in your relationships falls away. Even when you’re confronting someone about something you feel they aren’t doing right, you’re speaking from a foundation of love and concern for them, not to impose upon them your ego, expertise or will.

But you’re also respectful of the need to maintain diplomacy and respect social rules.

A strong and nourished Anahat chakra helps us develop a moral code of conduct for ourselves and appreciate “proper protocols.”

We learn to set boundaries for our own behavior and respect the boundaries of others. We become aware of how violating these boundaries can infringe upon the rights, dignity or happiness of others and begin to automatically live within those boundaries, which improves all our relationships.

With a clear heart chakra, you understand the true meaning of love. You have pure relationships and love everyone unconditionally, without expectation — like a mother loves her children. Yet, you don’t become overly attached or dependent on those you love. To take a contrarian point of view to the famous Jerry McGuire line “You complete me…”, you do not need another human to “complete” you. Your sense of Self is healthy and whole.

For more information, please see Characteristics of the Heart Chakra.

Communication, Detachment, Pure Relationships, Collectivity/Community (5th Chakra: Vishuddhi)

As you develop increased patience, tolerance and love towards others, your communication skills also begin to improve. A natural sweetness will permeate all your communications and you’ll avoid speaking harshly or critically to others, even in the most stressful situations. You will still be emphatic and assertive when necessary, but without compromising empathy or diplomacy. You’ll also learn the power of saying nothing, especially when others are expecting a strong reaction from you. This calmness will emanate from within. You’ll find yourself merely observing without reacting, even in trying situations where others are reacting strongly. Your politeness is not artificial — there is no need to deliberately suppress your emotions. You’ll just naturally be much more relaxed and nonreactive, less inclined to exhibit strong emotional reactions, even in adverse or stressful situations.

This is the power of the Vishuddhi chakra.

Ultimately, you’ll develop an innate ability to remain in the witness state for the longer term (not just during meditation), rather than being emotionally overreactive. Your communications with others become more precise, effective and polite — all at the same time.

In your spiritual journey, you have begun to pursue deeper, more meaningful aspects of existence and have developed a sense of detachment toward many mundane aspects of life. This quality of detachment becomes especially apparent when you realize that not getting everything you want doesn’t affect you so much anymore. Detachment becomes an innate quality, not a deliberate act. You don’t need to make a special effort to exercise or “create” detachment. You become more likely to move on quickly, rather than let losses hold you back. Detachment helps us leave the past in the past and move toward the future with hope and optimism. Detachment is also valuable to our relationships. When people don’t live up to your expectations, it’s easier to accept them, without misgivings.

The Vishuddhi chakra governs the strength and purity of our relationships, in part, by establishing a sense of mutual respect.

Vishuddhi helps us resist the temptation to flirt, or have meaningless, short-term relationships born out of impulse. You’re less likely to judge others or expect too much from them. You’re able to demonstrate a fundamental level of unconditional respect to everyone are, in fact, careful to maintain cordial relations with everyone because you now recognize that every relationship has a purpose in your life, even if you’re not fully aware of it at the time. You become less self-centered, more tolerant, more adaptable and more reasonable in all your relationships. Your sense of humor and social skills gradually improve, even if you were not especially thought of as “outgoing” before. You develop an uncanny ability to get along with just about everyone.

The left Vishuddhi chakra can accumulate the negative effects of severely egoistic behaviors, causing the ego to inflate and press against the left side of the Vishuddhi chakra. The left Vishuddhi also stores all the negative emotions that we accumulate throughout our lives — especially guilt — thus, it’s critical to our long-term emotional stability to keep the left Vishuddhi clear.

Vishuddhi bestows upon us the innate feeling of togetherness and unity, and allows us to recognize that being with others helps better our lives. We learn that many problems in our lives can be solved by forging strong relationships within our communities, our nations, and even with other nations and civilizations.

In the history of the subtle energy system, the Vishuddhi chakra represents the evolution of collectivity or community within human beings.

Over time, we developed the ability to progressively understand and manifest within ourselves the power of collectivity. From an evolutionary standpoint, as human beings came to understand the fundamental sense of being physically collective, they further evolved to subtler emotional experiences of collectivity, such as sharing, a sense of brotherhood and enjoying company of others.

The highest stage of human evolution is accessing and experiencing the collective unconscious; in fact, at the subtle level, Sahaja works entirely through the power of collectivity. One can only evolve spiritually when becoming an inseparable part of the collective all-pervading power.

For more information see Characteristics of the Vishuddhi Chakra.

Forgiveness, humility, lack of conditionings (6th Chakra: Agnya)

Once you’ve experienced Self-Realization through Sahaja, you’ll quickly realize that the dynamic force that humans throughout history have understood as the divine power is real. Divinity and spirituality are no longer merely theoretical concepts for you. That, in itself, is a humbling moment in your life. What you might have accepted merely on faith before is now very real — you can feel it, work with it, and benefit from it on a day-to-day basis.

You become aware of the living subtle powers present within you. Suddenly your whole perspective has shifted, and you realize that there are much bigger, deeper dimensions to the universe than you ever imagined.

This realization, almost instantly, reduces the influence of the  ego drive on your life. Ego control is a fundamental quality of the right Agnya chakra.

On the left side of the Agnya chakra lies your superego, the storehouse of your memories, past conditionings and rules. Once you realize just how powerful this energy force inside you is, you become more flexible and adaptable and are more open to change and new experiences. Your ability to self-regulate improves and your emotional maturity increases. You’re no longer rigidly attached to your personal book of rules (without which you might have formerly believed you’d feel lost), nor are you absolutely bent on doing things in only one way, or the way you’ve always done them. You’ve become better at viewing situations from multiple perspectives.

What’s happening is that your Agnya chakra is opening up to demonstrate its power inside you. You’re wiser, but at the same time, far more humble. And what you’ll come to realize is that the humbler you are, the stronger is your experience of thoughtless awareness and overall experience of Sahaja meditation. In complete humility, if you surrender to the all-powerful force, you’ll feel elevated and joyous, completely freed from the burden of worry and stress.

You’ll find that your spiritual journey and practice of meditation has suddenly made it so much easier to forgive others (and yourself) and move on. The heavy burden of resentment that you’ve been shouldering has been lifted. The built-up anger and rigid past conditionings that were preventing you from just “letting go” have vanished. Once you discover that you’re able to forgive just about anyone quite easily, you’ll feel a lightness within and you’ll even find that your anger has been replaced with compassion those who have wronged you. What’s more, you’re able to pinpoint the people and situations that were holding you back and you’re better equipped to start undoing those knots, creases and wrinkles in your relationships. Those who may have feared or avoided you because of your rigidity or certain ego-driven behaviors now seem to find you more approachable and are more comfortable interacting with you. They may now willingly seek you out, or even ask you for advice and guidance.

But, of course, the human ego is perhaps the subtlest of the problems we face. Even as you’re able to forgive and move on, your ego is also growing subtler and more mature. You may no longer be so strong-headed or egotistical about the usual mundane things, but your ego may manipulate you by taking a new, subtle form. For example, you may begin to exert dominance over others or become prideful or self-righteous without realizing it. The ego could easily qualify as the “adaptive response” leader within your mind-body: it is constantly adjusting itself, even as you grow spiritually. Thus, regulating the ego and superego is a lifelong exercise as their influences can be more subtle than we realize.

It’s not always easy to maintain the sense, every moment in your life, that you’re of virtually no consequence in the larger scheme of spirituality and creation of nature. It’s difficult for all of us to become — and accept being — a mere drop in the ocean (that ultimately becomes one with the ocean and indistinguishable). The reason is that we inherently, almost unconsciously, strive for individuality, recognition, appreciation and some form of power in our lives. Through Agyna, we learn the value of being just a drop in the ocean.

For more information, see Characteristics of the Agnya Chakra.

Deep joy, thoughtless awareness, union with the divine, integration (7th Chakra: Sahasrara)

Of all the chakras, the Sahasrara is the most important to the practice of Sahaja meditation. It is the ultimate gateway through which Sahaja is actualized, and until we’re able to open this chakra, Self-Realization or a connection to the all-pervading power cannot be sustained. As the Kundalini energy passes through the Sahasrara, our spiritual journey is initiated. This is the final step in establishing a connection to the all-pervading divine energy.

It is through the Sahasrara that we achieve the state of thoughtless awareness, which yields the most powerful benefits of meditation or yoga by providing access to the collective consciousness. Thus, the Sahasrara chakra is the only method to achieve true yoga (union in Sanskrit) and the really powerful benefits of meditation.

Any form of meditation or yoga that does not open the Sahasrara chakra and deviates from the original definitions of meditation or yoga in ancient scriptures, will ultimately fall short in one way or another in terms of the benefits receive. Many are just poor imitations of what meditation/yoga was meant to be. This of course, does not imply that Sahaja is, or has always been, the only true yoga/meditation, or the only way to achieve spirituality. Certainly, these goals have always been achieved by people with great spiritual mastery, reaching back across thousands of years. But historically, spiritual mastery was not achieved through a collective phenomenon, and never without extremely demanding prerequisites (such as lots of hard work and having to make great sacrifices). That’s one key difference between Sahaja and other techniques.

Using the Sahaja method, the modern day process of seeking Self-Realization and opening the Sahasrara is nearly effortless. It doesn’t require major sacrifices, and best of all, results in a state of true joy — a state described in many ancient scriptures as Satchitanand (Sat means “truth,” chit means “attention” and anand is “joy”). Opening the Sahasrara chakra allows us to experience the absolute and ultimate truth — the divine itself, as well as the utmost sense of joy that one can ever hope to experience. And our attention is taken to the highest plain, where we connect to the universal consciousness.

So, the first state we experience through Sahasrara is one of joy, the kind that one gets from being surrounded by nature, which, even in total silence, has a powerful impact on us. In fact, true yoga allows us to become one with nature in its totality. Experiencing Self-Realization, and every subsequent meditation session in which the connection of our Kundalini energy is strong, allows us to experience a supreme joy we’ve never before experienced. It comes with total silence, too, a sort of vacuum created in our minds — we only want to continue to enjoy it endlessly without saying or doing anything. In that moment, the divine energy is rushing through us and nourishing all our chakras. We’re also experiencing complete and perfect thoughtless awareness.

During Sahaja meditation, you may experience the piercing of this chakra, physically, as a powerful pulsation in the crown of your head, followed by a melting sensation and a flow of cool vibrations from the fontanel area (the crown of your head).

Peacefulness can be best be understood through the Sahasrara chakra. It confers upon us a special type of inner calmness, patience and detachment that we may have never experienced before. The true joy of the Sahasrara is the discovery of our innate tranquility. It’s the discovery of our inner Self or Spirit and dimensions within us that we never knew existed. The opening of the Sahasrara can eliminate the negative thoughts and behaviors clouding or masking our innate, absolute, positive qualities and bring those positive qualities to the forefront.

Being one with nature also makes us feel as if the whole world around is moving in lockstep with us at every moment. Traffic lights appear to turn green just as we reach them, doors seem to open automatically wherever we go, and everyone we meet always seems to be welcoming us. When we have an open Sahasrara and a strong energy connection, there is a smooth flow to our lives. Problems, if they occur at all, become clear signals for us to change for the better. Once we’re able to read the signals and adapt, we see why those problems were necessary for — and even beneficial to — our spiritual ascent.

Through Sahasrara, we learn how to evaluate the direction of the flow in our lives and simply glide smoothly along with it. This new ability will give a whole new meaning to the phrase “go with the flow.” With regular meditation, we are able to move rapidly towards finding answers, navigating through difficult situations, and achieving a level of progress that may have been previously unimaginable. And all this seems to happen near-effortlessly. It may feel as if no overt action is required to facilitate our progress; rather we are simply being carried along by this powerful natural force. This natural energy force, at work in our lives, automatically helps control the ego and superego. We realize that we’re one with this power and that it is guiding us in every aspect of our lives. We learn to trust this force to guide us, rather than resisting it. No doubt, hard work, perseverance and focus are still required along the way, but the outcomes we desire begin to seem easy to achieve.

Establishing a connection to the universal consciousness through Sahasrara helps us establish the right pace in our lives. Our self-awareness reaches a whole new level of sensitivity. If we’re too lethargic or too charged up, we’re almost instantly aware of it and can quickly find the right balance in all facets of our lives — work, family, entertainment, health and spirituality. In fact, the intuitive knowledge granted to us by the divine power, combined with the constant connection to it through the Sahasrara chakra, grants us a special intelligence about balance in all things — every situation and every moment of our lives. We’re able to instantaneously recognize when rebalancing is required at any level, whether it be mental, physical or emotional.

The Sahasrara chakra also fully integrates our personality in totality. It helps us realize that our inner Self or Spirit — all our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual qualities — are in perfect unison and perfect alignment with each other.

For more information, see Characteristics of the Sahasrara Chakra.