New to subtle energy? Explore the subtle energy system in its entirety in a presentation optimized for a thorough understanding.
Energy System
Energy System Guide Index
Learn how the natural inner Kundalini energy nurtures your inner self or spirit and becomes the driving force of seeking and self-improvement.
An overview of how the process of self-realization puts us on the path to self-discovery and provides a real, tangible daily experience of the subtler self.
What Is This Energy, and Where Does It Come From?
History of the Kundalini Energy
An introduction to the subtle energy system and how it comes to exist in us, why it is accessible to everyone, and how it’s actualized in modern Sahaja meditation practice.
Can science prove the existence of the subtle energy system? How do we know that this energy is flowing through us?
Correlation with Human Physiology
An overview of how the ancient subtle energy system correlates with human physiological systems and influences them to improve health and well-being.
Awakening and the Rising of the Energy
Explore what happens when the energy is awakened and rises within us and what that means in practical terms each step of the way
The left channel (Ida nadi), also known as the Moon Channel, begins at the 1st chakra (Mooladhara) and passes up through the left side of the body, crossing the Agnya Chakra into the temple and terminating on the right side of the brain. The left channel carries the energy of desire and it corresponds to our past, emotions, desires and our affection for others.
The right energy channel (Pingala nadi), also called the Sun Channel, begins at the 2nd chakra (Swadisthan) and travels up the right side of the body. The right channel is the conduit for the energy of action and planning, which drives our mental and physical activities.
The central channel (sushumna nadi), also known as the Middle Path, extends from the sacrum bone at the base of the spine (where the Kundalini energy resides) straight up the spine towards the Sahasrara (the 7th, uppermost chakra). The central channel is the channel of spiritual ascent, the power which sustains our evolution and guides us, consciously or unconsciously, towards the higher awareness of the Sahasrara.
1st Energy Center: Innocence & Wisdom
Mooladhara is the root chakra, the foundation of the entire subtle energy system. It is from Mooladhara that we receive the ability and authority to raise our own subtle energy and help others raise theirs.
Swadisthan’s fundamental quality is creativity. It is through this chakra that inspiration is born and creative energy is generated. Swadisthan also governs attention and our ability to distinguish and assimilate pure knowledge.
3rd Energy Center: Generosity, Evolution
Nabhi, also sometimes referred to the Manipura, drives the evolutionary process within us. The fundamental qualities of the Nabhi chakra are generosity, satisfaction, and the drive and capacity to evolve.
It is from the Void that we are granted the power to become Self-masters and to ultimately evolve into gurus or teachers, who can go on to provide guidance and enlightenment to others. We become self-regulating, self-reliant, self-disciplined and self-sufficient.
4th Energy Center: Love & Compassion
The fundamental qualities of the Anahat or Heart chakra are pure, unconditional love and compassion. It is through the Heart chakra that we become confident, secure, morally responsible and emotionally well-balanced.
5th Energy Center: Relationships, Community & Collectivity
It is from Vishuddhi that we achieve harmony and cohesion with humankind and experience unity and oneness with the universe. The fundamental qualities of Vishuddhi are good communication skills and the ability to develop strong, pure relationships.
6th Energy Center: Forgiveness
It is through this chakra, sometimes referred to as “the third eye,” that we are able to forgive others, as well as ourselves. The primary qualities of Agnya are forgiveness, humility and the absence of rigid and unnecessary conditionings within us.
7th Energy Center: Universal Integration
The primary quality of the Sahasrara chakra is integration and a sense of oneness with all elements of the universe. It is through Sahasrara that we experience the connection to the all-pervading divine energy, to the absolute truth.
Overview of Thoughtless Awareness
An overview of the state of thoughtless awareness and how it influences the flow of energy.
Attention control using Thougthless Awareness
Learn how the state of thoughtless awareness produces purified attention that connects our inner energy with the universal divine energy and enables self-discovery, as well as providing practical benefits.
Explore recent scientific documentation of the state of thoughtless awareness, including its precise neural correlates in the brain and the practical benefits this higher state of consciousness provides.
Learn how the energy-driven process of Self-Realization enables our attention to rise to this higher state of consciousness.
Subtle Energy System Health & Diagnostics
Learn how to detect, diagnose and fix problems with your energy system to create an obstacle-free path for the flow of the Kundalini energy and ultimate connection with the universal energy. You’ll find strategies for improving the quality of your meditations and enhancing self-awareness and sensitivity to your own energy.
Improving Thoughtless Awareness
If you’re having trouble achieving thoughtless awareness or remaining in thoughtless awareness for a significant period of time, here are some tips that will help you overcome common obstacles and improve the quality of your Thoughtless Awareness state.
Learn how you can maximize the benefits of Sahaja meditation through group meditation sessions.