The Subtle Energy centers

1st Chakra: Mooladhara

Location and Essential Qualities

Location: Spinal column, in the region of the coccygeal plexus.

Vibrations:Mooladhara vibrations are felt on the back or base of the wrist.

Associated Element: Mooladhara is aligned with the earth element.

Associated Color: Coral red. May represent the core of the planet, which is believed to be molten lava and/or volcanic soil which forged the surface of the planet Earth.

Physiology/physical regions governed: Reproductive and excretory systems

Essential Qualities:

  • innocence — child-like joy, simplicity
  • wisdom
  • the sense of chastity
  • purity — pure knowledge, pure actions
  • dignity, self-respect, secure self-esteem
  • balance, sense of direction and purpose in life
  • connection to the earth, harmony with nature

The Mooladhara is the root chakra, the foundation of the entire subtle energy system. It represents the earth element, or the most basic state of existence. Mooladahara, in other words, helps keep us “grounded.” In fact, is from Mooladhara that we receive the ability and authority to raise our own subtle energy and help others raise theirs.

Character Strengths

The fundamental quality of Mooladhara is innocence, which is the foundation of righteous (dharmic) character. Nourishing and balancing Moodladhara improves the following personality and character strengths…

  • wisdom
  • self-respect
  • purity of action — moral responsibility, avoiding action that is harmful to others

Personality Trait Strengths

  • conscientiousness and moral responsibility
  • judgment, wise and efficient decision-making
  • self-regulation (self-control, maturity, emotional stability, emotional balance, discipline)

1st Energy Center: Wisdom & Innocence

Mooladhara Chakra

Mooladhara is the root chakra, the foundation of the entire subtle energy system. It is from Mooladhara that we receive the ability and authority to raise our own subtle energy and help others raise theirs.

Mooladhara Chakra

Position in Head


Position in Hands


Position in Feet


Gross Expression in Vertebral Column


Benefits Summary

Balancing Mooladhara restores the innocence and sheer joy of childhood. Mooladhara plays a role in helping us maintain harmony with nature and avoid poor lifestyle choices that are unhealthy, perverse or “against nature.” It helps guard against sexual perversions or misuse of sexuality. We learn to respect the quality of chastity. We are less vulnerable to temptations.

Since Mooladhara provides the most fundamental level of support to our existence, if you experience problems with the Mooladhara chakra, it’s possible for your entire life to veer off onto the wrong path; for example, you may begin to organize your life around self-damaging or immoral pursuits and before you know it, they’ve become your “way of life.” You may even feel rudderless and lost, with no sense of direction or purpose. Your life choices lack wisdom.

But once this chakra is strengthened and nourished, your innate wisdom is restored and you’re guided toward the right path. When we make wise choices, our self-respect improves, which ultimately improves self-esteem. We no longer abuse or condemn ourselves, which increases our sense of dignity.

Symptoms Checklist

Experiencing any of these symptoms may be a sign that your Mooladhara chakra needs balancing…

  • poor memory
  • poor sense of direction
  • poor sense of balance
  • excretory system problems
  • sexual disorders or perversions
  • reproductive difficulties
  • untidiness