Natural Remedies

Sahaja-Recommended Natural Remedies

Natural Complementary and Alternative Treatments for the Sahaja Practitioner

The practice of Sahaja meditation can include natural, homeopathic remedies for those who need to treat specific mental or physical health conditions.

Sahaja natural remedies address a broad spectrum of health disorders and involve a mix of techniques, dietary suggestions and personal behavioral changes or adjustments. While a majority of these remedies target specific aspects of the subtle energy system, others involve a combination of dietary suggestions, along with techniques that target specific chakras or energy channels. Many remedies can also have an influence on behavior since the energy centers have a very close relationship to qualitative traits that govern and influence our behavior. Conversely, our behavioral states have an impact on the strength of our energy centers, as well.

Broad Spectrum Remedies

The following remedies involve commonly used techniques that can help address a number of health problems. The human body was created by nature and is made of nature’s five elements: earth, water, air, fire and ether. Thus, a number of these techniques use nature’s elements to restore physical, mental, emotional and spiritual balance to the human mind and body.

Foot soaking

This very common technique is used daily by the vast majority of Sahaja practitioners and offers wide ranging effects and benefits. Fundamentally, it employs the water element and salt, which represents the earth element. At the level of the subtle energy system, it can be extremely useful for cleansing or clearing out imbalances within the whole subtle system and, in turn, helping a wide range of problems, such as stress, anxiety, general fatigue, and insomnia.

The water element is especially effective in cooling down the right energy channel, which helps improve problem-solving and overall productivity and focus. When practiced regularly together with meditation, the foot soaking technique also improves the quality of your attention, as well as the depth and continuity of the thoughtless awareness state during meditation.

Left side imbalances — using the earth element

For general imbalances of the left channel, it is very helpful to meditate while sitting on the ground, weather permitting, with the left hand open on the lap and right hand places directly on the earth. Also lying on the earth, walking barefoot on the earth, even simply putting attention on the earth helps to clear out left side imbalances, since the earth element has the capacity to absorb and recycle the energies that cause imbalances in the left energy channel.

Left side imbalances — using fire* and light

[*This remedy is commonly used in Sahaja; however, when to use it and for how long depends on the the state of individual’s subtle system at the time, as felt through one’s own vibratory awareness. It should be used only when needed, according to the particular imbalance felt at that time.]

The fire element is used for more severe left side imbalances, such as strong tingling, burning or painful sensations on the left hand. Meditating with your right hand on the ground and left hand open on your lap in front of a lit candle clears out left side imbalances which might be causing lethargic organs, body aches, depression, mood imbalances and a number of other issues. One or several candles may be used.

Light in general — especially sunlight — nourishes and balances the left channel, so people who have a tendency towards left-side imbalances can try developings a more active lifestyle, spending more time outside or in well-lit places, especially during cold seasons, or when living in cold climate.

Right side imbalances — using the ether element

The ether element has the capacity to absorb and neutralize the heat of the overworked right energy channel. Meditating with your right hand open on your lap and your left hand directed towards the sky (bend your arm at the elbow with your palm facing towards yourself and your fingers pointing upward) helps clear out the imbalances of the right side, including stress, anger, restlessness, physical or mental overactivity, to name a few.

Right side imbalances — using an ice pack*

[*This remedy is commonly used in Sahaja; however, when to use it and for how long, depends on the the state of individual’s subtle system at the time, as discerned through one’s own vibratory awareness. It should be used only when needed, according to the particular imbalance present in the system.]

Extreme cases of right side imbalances are often due to an overworked, and as a result, overheated liver. Apply an ice pack to the lower part of your ribs (upper abdomen) on your right side. This technique can help several problems arising from imbalances of the right side, such as diabetes, hypertension, stress and asthma. The ice pack should not remain on the abdomen for longer than 7-10 minutes, and should not be used during pregnancy or while sleeping. People who have a tendency towards right side imbalances and an overheated liver should avoid spending too much time in direct sunlight, especially in hot seasons or hot climates.

Oils and ghee (clarified butter)

There are several remedies that are used in Sahaja to lubricate the tissues of the body which otherwise tend to dry out, and thus to help, primarily, the Vishuddhi and Sahasrara energy centers, but the whole subtle system, as well. Melted warm ghee — sometimes with the addition of medicinal camphor — can be dropped into the nose (while the head is tilted backwards) to lubricate the inner linings of the nose up to the sinuses. Olive oil is used to lubricate the ears and may help relieve infections and itchiness. Olive oil mixed with salt can be massaged into the gums. This strengthens your gums. Ghee or olive oil can be used for body massage (except the scalp). The scalp is massaged with almond oil, or other suitable oils; the oil is left on the scalp and hair for a few hours, preferably overnight.

Specific Subtle Causes of Health Conditions and Remedies

Most of the following conditions include a specific remedy. But please note that for a condition where the subtle cause is provided, but not a specific remedy, it can be beneficial to balance or clear out the specific aspect of the subtle system that is causing the medical condition through regular meditation and the broader spectrum remedies mentioned above.


Energy System Correlation: Usually left side imbalance, specifically left Nabhi chakra; lethargic liver, spleen; calcium deficiency in childhood

Remedy: Meditate with your right hand on left Nabhi, left hand towards the fire (candle flame). Avoid cow’s milk, sudden environmental temperature drops from hot to cold, and in general, cold food and drink, etc.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Energy System Correlation: extreme right side imbalance

Asthma (bronchial)

Energy System Correlation: Combination of right Heart and left Heart imbalance, hot liver

Remedy: Ice pack on the liver

Blood circulation problems

Energy System Correlation: Lethargic heart, left side imbalance


Energy System Correlation: left side imbalance, especially Vishuddhi; emotional problems; extreme temperature changes (hot to cold)


Energy System Correlation: Right side imbalance, hot liver

Remedies: Ajwain powder with black raisins; prunes with orange juice; warm milk in the evening


Energy System Correlation: Excessive thinking in a sedentary person; left Nabhi and left Swadishthan imbalance

Remedy: Clear out the Agnya chakra, reduce thinking, increase salt intake; for eyesight problems due to diabetes, use ice-pack on the back of the head (Back Agnya and projection of left Swadishthan on the head)


Energy System Correlation: Left side imbalance

Remedy: Boil fennel seeds with mint, drink with some sugar


Energy System Correlation: Movement of attention to extreme left (collective subconscious), might be due to a shock (e.g., an accident); Agnya imbalance

Remedy: Bringing attention in balance, to the center; meditating with left hand open, right hand on the ground, with a candle near the left side of the back


Energy System Correlation: Hot liver

Remedy: Ice-pack on the liver


Energy System Correlation: Left side imbalance

Remedy: Drink tulsi concoction followed by ajwain smoke


Energy System Correlation: Left side imbalance

Remedy: Meditating with left hand open on the lap, right hand on or toward the part of the body infected with fungus; avoid mushrooms and cheese, especially the cheese with mold (soft ripened, blue, etc.)


Energy System Correlation: Left side imbalance

Heart Attack

Energy System Correlation: Over-active heart (right side imbalance), or lethargic hearth (left side imbalance, combined with guilt)

Remedy: In case of over-active heart, icepack on right side of the abdomen and chest, footsoak, avoid light; in case of lethargic hearth, use light and fire to clear out left side


Energy System Correlation: Right Mooladhara imbalance

Remedy: Black raisins soaked during the day in orange juice


Energy System Correlation: Mooladhara chakra imbalance

Remedy: Focus on clearing and balancing the Mooladhara chakra and its long term improvement.


Energy System Correlation: Mental overactivity, right side imbalance

Remedy: Balance the right energy channel


Energy System Correlation: Overactivity, excessive thinking

Remedy: Balance the right energy channel


Energy System Correlation: Right Nabho and Right Swadishthan imbalance

Remedy: Footsoak, liver diet, tea from fresh radish leaves sweetened with sugar, glucose water


Remedies: Ajwain water to drink; geru (application only); kerosene mixed with oil (application only)

Multiple sclerosis

Energy System Correlation: Mooladhara and left Nabhi

Remedy: Clearing the left side

Muscle disorders

Energy System Correlation: Mooladhara and left side imbalances

Remedy: Focus on clearing and balancing the Mooladhara chakra and its long term improvement.

Parkinson’s disease

Energy System Correlation: Mooladhara imbalance

Remedy: Focus on clearing and balancing the Mooladhara chakra and its long term improvement.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Remedy: Gheru with olive oil rubbed on affected joints; meditate with left hand open on the lap, right hand on the earth.


Energy System Correlation: Mainly left Vishuddhi, sometimes in combination with right Vishuddhi

Remedy: Focus on clearing and balancing the Vishuddhi chakra and its long term improvement.


Energy System Correlation: Left side imbalance, lethargic lungs

Remedy: Balancing of the left energy channel

Varicose Veins

Energy System Correlation: Too much standing

Remedies: Take breaks lying on your back and doing the “cycling” motion of your legs in the air; applying ice; massaging and rubbing, especially with cold oil; using footwear with a heel while standing.

Viral Diseases

Energy System Correlation: Left side imbalance

Remedy: Clearing and balancing the left energy channel. Use the candle flame in clearing the left energy channel.