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Meditation helps build family relationships

Sahaja meditation allows you to harness your inner energy’s healing power to boost your mental and physical resilience and improve the personal qualities that foster deeper bonds with loved ones. You’ll be better equipped to cope with whatever challenges come your way. We all make relationship mistakes from time to time, but meditation will help you stay focused on the present, rather than ruminating about past mistakes you may have made or worrying about what the future holds for your family. 

by Sahaja Online

The Path to Self-Mastery

From time to time, we stop to admire people who are strong personalities and seem to live in absolute clarity. They are clear about what they want, experts in their area, have great self-discipline and most important of all, seem to magnetically attract a lot of followers. And some of them seem to be extremely spiritual too.

There’s a path to this kind of self-mastery in our lives and it is achievable.

In our spiritual subtle energy system of chakras and energy channels, a circular region existing in the abdominal cavity is known as the Void region. Usually, everyone knows and talks about the seven chakras, but the Void region is an integral part of the subtle energy system and as important as any chakra.

by Sahaja Online

Getting rid of the meditation stereotypes and cliche’s

The 80s and 90s saw the rise of yoga and meditation in America as a mystical and exotic offering. Spiritual gurus from the East were flooding the country, trying to make a killing with their bizarre, pricey and hodgepodge spiritual products. And it resulted in those seeking or practicing meditation becoming branded and defined by unique and often weird or eccentric habits, viewpoints and lifestyles. For instance, they came to be associated automatically with organic food, green living activism, veganism or vegetarianism and naturopathy. 

by Sahaja Online

How Meditation Improves Self-Esteem

Our happiness and emotional stability are dependent on our ability to love ourselves. This self-love is called self-esteem. Self-esteem works on us in subtle ways, dictating our choices, shaping our worldview. It lies at the heart of many of our problems in life, but because we may not be fully aware of our implicit self-evaluations, we may not realize that the root cause of a problem is how we feel about ourselves at the deepest level.

Unfortunately, self-esteem is often presented as some nebulous, magical quality that some people simply have and others don’t, or as a quality that we can improve by losing weight or buying a new wardrobe. But self-esteem is more complicated than that.

The more interesting and relevant fact is that meditation can help improve Self-esteem.

by Sahaja Online

The Nabhi chakra: evolutionary excellence

The purpose of our lives is to evolve to better states of spiritual existence. But what does this really mean?

Fortunately, Sahaja teachings make this crystal clear and provide a definitive path and approach for spiritual self-improvement. The short answer is that we’re supposed to improve our personality traits, gradually but surely, compared to an absolute scale of moral and ethical values. And these values have been carried in spiritual teachings and scriptures from very ancient times. In fact, they are consistent across civilizations and their spiritual texts and literature. The ten commandments are an excellent example of such values. 

More importantly, these values and this code of conduct are coded in our subtle energy system. In simple terms, we can become better people by overcoming all our weaknesses and imperfections within us till we become nearly perfect in our personality and character. 

The spiritual journey that we follow is also interesting. At the most basic level, we seek food, water, shelter, and security; then we progressively climb to higher forms of seeking behavior, such as quests for wealth, affluence and power. Ultimately, we pursue the higher, subtler aspects of existence: self-actualization, self-realization and spiritual truth. And through these subtler phenomenons, we can improve our subtler inner self and get it to dominate our behavior, in other words, control our mind, ego and body. We also develop a superior intellect that can see the higher truth.

The drive, energy and power to evolve in this manner is placed within the Nabhi chakra. It is the force in us that pushes us continuously to seek the ultimate.

by Sahaja Online