The Nabhi chakra: evolutionary excellence
Category: Sahaja 101
March 16, 2021
The purpose of our lives is to evolve to better states of spiritual existence. But what does this really mean?
Fortunately, Sahaja teachings make this crystal clear and provide a definitive path and approach for spiritual self-improvement. The short answer is that we’re supposed to improve our personality traits, gradually but surely, compared to an absolute scale of moral and ethical values. And these values have been carried in spiritual teachings and scriptures from very ancient times. In fact, they are consistent across civilizations and their spiritual texts and literature. The ten commandments are an excellent example of such values.
More importantly, these values and this code of conduct are coded in our subtle energy system. In simple terms, we can become better people by overcoming all our weaknesses and imperfections within us till we become nearly perfect in our personality and character.
The spiritual journey that we follow is also interesting. At the most basic level, we seek food, water, shelter, and security; then we progressively climb to higher forms of seeking behavior, such as quests for wealth, affluence and power. Ultimately, we pursue the higher, subtler aspects of existence: self-actualization, self-realization and spiritual truth. And through these subtler phenomenons, we can improve our subtler inner self and get it to dominate our behavior, in other words, control our mind, ego and body. We also develop a superior intellect that can see the higher truth.
The drive, energy and power to evolve in this manner is placed within the Nabhi chakra. It is the force in us that pushes us continuously to seek the ultimate.
The Nabhi chakra takes us higher spiritually in many ways. It is responsible for instilling the sense of Dharma or righteousness within us. It also gives us contentment, peace and generosity. Nabhi is associated with the pursuit of spirituality, for it is from Nabhi that we receive the strong “seeking” urge… the urge to seek the subtler things in life, the urge to discover the higher purpose and meaning of the universe and our place in it. We also develop the desire to continue evolving to higher states of consciousness.
Nabhi’s primary physiological function is governing the stomach/digestive processes. The Left Nabhi regulates the functioning of the pancreas and spleen. The center Nabhi regulates the stomach and intestines and the right Nabhi, liver and gall bladder. Since the Nabhi chakra governs the liver, it also plays a vital role in making our attention pure and clear.
Benefits of a strong Nabhi chakra
- We begin to realize that material pursuits and worldly fascinations are limited in their ability to give us happiness. The urge to seek the higher truth gets stronger and we begin to pursue spirituality seriously.
- We establish a perfect balance between family, work, leisure and spiritual activities and can see the essence and role of each.
- A strong Nabhi chakra strengthens the qualities of love, nurture and affection, specifically, improving our ability to take good care of our families.
- We begin to accept our responsibilities and even begin to enjoy the duties we must take on. We understand that the family, a cornerstone of society, must be supported and that it will only flourish in an atmosphere of love, respect and unity.
- The Nabhi chakra purifies our attention so that it becomes a clear, direct path to higher states of consciousness. Nabhi gives us the capacity to lead a life of righteousness.
- Nabhi increases our innate sense of generosity. We no longer cling to our possessions and we are able to truly experience the joy of giving. When we share, we learn. Nabhi teaches us that being generous is elevating and growth-oriented, whereas hoarding can lead to stagnation — a blocked, immature psyche. Such an individual can negatively influence society since, after all, the qualities of selfishness and greed have been known to cause many a worldwide crisis and can certainly trigger discontent and dissatisfaction in the lives they touch.
- The satisfaction and contentedness that Nabhi brings means that you stop feeling constantly pressured to “achieve” (especially outward symbols of material wealth) — you’re no longer “desperately wanting” anything. More and more, your ambitions may become self-transcendent, tilted more toward the pursuit of causes outside your own skin, as Abraham Maslow put it, rather than pursuits driven by ego (your own, or that of others, such as your boss).
Problems and challenges of a weak Nabhi chakra
Experiencing any of these symptoms may be a sign that your Nabhi needs balancing.
Center Nabhi:
- You’re continually feeling dissatisfied in life.
- Unease or anxiety, lack of peace and joy.
- You are experiencing stagnation and a lack of personal growth.
- In some extreme cases, you start bingeing or fasting, using alcohol or drugs
Left Nabhi:
- You lack generosity and are constantly worried about parting with your money or things.
- You have attentional difficulties and a lack of focus.
- You are facing family and/or household problems.
- There is unnecessary and undue spousal domination in a family. Each member of the family is meant to play their role and exhibit caring and sharing for others; when this balance is upset, it may be due to the weakening of the chakra.
- If you are entangled in financial worries and problems, you most likely have a problem with your Nabhi. A strong Nabhi means that you will never have to worry about money or possessions in your life, regardless of how much of those you may or may not have.
- You are experiencing irritability and angry outbursts.
- You are wound up in extreme materialistic tendencies.
Right Nabhi:
- When you experience impure, distracted attention, that results in anxiety and worrying.
- When you make poor choices that result from a lack of self-respect.
In our meditation sessions, we routinely cover in-depth topics on how to clear specific chakras and develop your ability to detect problems within yourself. Your first step in solving any issues is to get regular in attending our sessions so we can help you.