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How Guided Meditation Works to Improve Your Life

Meditation is a universal, tremendously helpful tool for those who are seeking relief from mental and emotional struggles, looking for personal progression, or simply those who desire greater happiness. It might sound like a difficult task, but there are practices like guided meditation for anxiety and stress that help people through the process to healing and wellness. Read on to discover how guided meditation can help you on your journey to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual enhancement.

by Sahaja Online

Spirituality vs. Religion

Are spirituality and religion the same thing? While there is indeed some overlap in these concepts, they are actually quite different from one another. For example, while someone may identify as being spiritual, it does not necessarily mean they are committed to a specific group or doctrine.

by Sahaja Online

Solomon’s Paradox: Distance Promotes Wisdom in Relationship Conflicts

If you’re faced with a troubling personal dilemma, such as a volatile spouse or constant conflict with a family member, there may be a trick. The trick, researchers say, is to consider the situation as an outside observer would and you’ll likely develop a wiser perspective. Let’s take a look at some studies that reveal why this may be.

by Sahaja Online

Can Sahaja meditation Influence Personality?

No one is perfect. Every human being has strengths, weaknesses, and facets of our personalities that we would like to improve. And yet we wonder, are there things about ourselves that will never change? While many personality traits may seem unmoving, often with perseverance, perspectives, behaviors, and responses can shift.

by Sahaja Online

Are Wise People Always Wise?

We all know of people who we think are consistently wise, always wise, ever-wise. But are they really?

by Sahaja Online