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Are Selfies Decreasing Your Self-Esteem?

Most of us probably don’t give much thought to how the selfies we post on social network sites like Facebook affect the people who may view them, but it turns out we may not be doing any favors for viewers who are feeling lonely, unpopular, or unsatisfied with their lives.

by Debbie Curtis

Can Plants Be Altruistic?

At Sahaja Online, we are always high on Higher Purpose, Self-Transcendence, Altruism and similar aspects.


Social behavior, kin recognition, and altruism are well-established throughout the animal kingdom. The ability to recognize kin is an important element in social behavior that can lead to the evolution of altruism.


But are plants capable of recognizing their relatives and acting altruistically like humans are?

by Debbie Curtis

My Top 7 Excuses for Not Meditating

With any worthy endeavor, consistency is key. While it’s easy to get started, obstacles will undoubtedly come our way. Sometimes, it can feel like these obstacles are determined to see us fail. And without consistent defense, obstacles can outsmart us, especially when we grow complacent. It’s human nature. Whenever we strive to grow into a higher state – whether on the physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual dimension – obstacles are bound to get in the way.

Meditation – and Sahaja meditation in particular – can be likened to a type of workout routine. Just like a fitness regimen, meditation requires working your routine daily for best results, including some collective meditation, too. Meditation isn’t immune and is susceptible to the same dissenting inner voice and subtle negative scripts that discourage any kind of healthy routine.

Here are 7 of the top excuses I hear from my lazy and complacent inner voice.


by Shankar Ramani

The First Experience of Sahaja Meditation: Hear from Practitioners

Just like experienced practitioners, your first experience with Sahaja meditation will be uniquely your own. Some practitioners describe an immediate, noticeable experience while others describe a more gradual discovery of energy and vibration. Whether it happens in your first session, or further into your journey, your experience of Sahaja meditation can be a powerful one.


by Sahaja Online

Meditation Helps Slow Down the Aging Process

Whether it’s stress or inflammation, nobody likes to look or feel older than their chronological age. Stress has a way of digging in and making us feel and look much older than we are.


Companies know our obsession with aging and are more than happy to provide us with a wide-range of anti-aging solutions. People spend thousands of dollars to find the correct product to turn back or slow down time.


What if there is a way to slow down the aging process that’s free? Would you give it a chance?

by Sahaja Online