Self-Improvement – Page 7 – Sahaja Online Self-Improvement – Page 7 – Sahaja Online

Sahaja Blog

Meditation Tips for Workplace Success

At Sahaja Online, we strive to make the lives of people easier, purposeful and valuable by telling them about how meditation can help in as many aspects of their lives as possible.


A couple of weeks ago, in one of my online sessions, I decided to cover how meditation can help in workplace success. Meditation is like a centerpiece of a spiritual person, it helps build our personality and develop skills in whatever we do or think about in our waking time.


The time spent at the higher state of consciousness grants us the power to examine and improve the time we spend at the next lower level of our consciousness, which is our regular state of awareness when we’re awake. And nothing compounds like the benefits of meditation in the long term, it builds a strong and balanced personality within us capable of achieving positive outcomes in every facet of our life.


And our workplace or career is no exception to this rule.

by Shankar Ramani

Achieving a Permanent State of Meditation

Last Friday, our instructor and experienced practitioner David Dunphy gave a very interesting introduction and guided meditation session on how our attention works over time in creating a permanent and lasting effect of meditation. While we all are familiar with what meditation can achieve for us during a session of meditation, what about the lasting and permanent effects of meditation on us?


by Sahaja Online

How to Look at Yourself in High Definition

Virtually, every meditation sign and poster today says one thing – Feeling Stressed? Try our meditation. Or something similar. But did you know that meditation’s very simple, yet most powerful benefit can be to give you a complete detailed insight about yourself?


What if you knew every bit about your strengths, drawbacks, emotions and feelings, reactions and more importantly, the root causes of these? Or if you were able to trace your health problems back to deeper problems at the core of your being? Best of all, even get advance warning of problems in your life?


And what if you had instantaneous, day-to-day feedback about this – an inbuilt power and intricate sensory perception deep inside your being that relayed everything to you with startling accuracy? Revelations that you know in your heart of hearts are true and cannot run away from?


Welcome to the high definition view of yourself, that is accessible by powerful meditation constructs and techniques provided by Sahaja meditation.


by Sahaja Online

Developing Precision Meditation Skills – Part 2 of 2

In the last part of this article, we wrote about how Sahaja meditation is all about developing precision skills with your attentional control and using it for effective meditation experiences. The most interesting part of how this works in Sahaja is that it is part cognitive and part spiritual, primarily because of the elevation of our attention to a unique, higher state of consciousness.


This higher realm is entirely spiritual but not completely unknown to researchers and psychologists. Carl Jung spoke about it relatively vaguely and from a theoretical perspective, for instance, and called it the Collective UnConscious. However, Sahaja is a one of a kind practice of meditation that helps materialize and experience this higher state in a tangible manner to unleash a host of powerful benefits. And it gives us living and real proof of this higher realm in a much nuanced manner.

by Sahaja Online

What to Do When You’re Frustrated and About to Lose it

Yes, today’s times are very testing for everyone. Meditator or not, every one of us has those moments and situations when we’re close to boiling over. We’ve reached the tipping point. The proverbial straw is about to break the camel’s back very soon. We’re having what seems to be one of our worst days. And the biggest problem is that the other person seems to be blind to what is a straightforward case and the right thing to do. You can’t seem to make him or her see your point of view and simply cannot fathom how such people even exist or what drives their thinking.


Sounds familiar? We have some answers, but only because we have a little bit of experience as meditators, not because we’re free of such situations or states of mind ourselves at all times.


by Sahaja Online