Tag: meditation for self-improvement

Is Merely Giving Thanks Enough?

At Sahaja Online, we feel responsible for the self-improvement of every subscriber as much as they do and possibly more. Which is why we want to move beyond the traditional Thanksgiving wishes today and tell you what’s bigger and matters more in life.

Are You too Happy to Meditate?

Turns out that a lot of people are. More specifically, the question almost always with a lot of people is “Why should I meditate?”. The unstated sentence after that is “I’m happy already”. The reasons for the lack of motivation to meditate range from a complete lack of awareness of what meditation can do for them to leading a life they think is entirely fulfilled. As we would put it, they aren’t seeking meditation all that strongly.

Robots will Force Us to Meditate More

The debate rages on. Are robots and automation going to take away a majority of our jobs very soon? Will Artificial Intelligence do most of our brain work in the future? Then there is the talk of education and training in newer areas and skills to meet new demands. Can people leading normal lives and earning their livelihood match the pace of change about to come upon us?


But what does the journey of meditation, spirituality, and self-improvement have to do with all this? Quite a lot, apparently. Here at Sahaja Online, our take is that most of these predictions are likely to come true. But not because the experts are saying that they will, but because we know that human beings must continuously evolve to higher states of maturity, skills, and pursuits in their lives. In fact, the very basis and foundation of Sahaja is that people must take to higher reaches human development progressively till they become almost god-like in their personality and character traits.

How to Find Everything You Need within Yourself

These days, information marketing is at its peak. Your mailbox is often full of email messages from content marketers, many full of flashy advice like “10 Ways to Accelerate Your Weight Loss” or “5 Ways to Develop Self-Confidence.” Or more likely, the message contains a product someone wants to sell to you, but in a very indiscreet, subtle way. They’ll write and make you visualize how you’ll feel, appeal to the deepest of emotions and by the time you’re through, leave you excited and really wanting what they have to sell. Product and Content Marketing 101.