Problem Solving using meditation

Category: Meditation


Shankar Ramani

Solving life's problems

Last Sunday, we commenced a new series on solving problems in our lives using meditation as a tool.

The lives of meditators who pursue spirituality are different in some ways. We consider spirituality and Higher Purpose at the center of our lives and to guide us at every step. More importantly, the patience, calmness and resilience we develop because of our meditation percolate to every other facet of our lives. That is, of course, the goal.

The fundamentals of the approach to problem-solving involve two parts – working on our spiritual state at all times and finding specific or targeted solutions to our and others’ problems. The former can even help us stay clear of problems, so we don’t have to worry about them or solve them. The latter helps us quickly resolve our problems to continue to focus our attention on more important things in life.

Improving our state of existence as a spiritual being

First, we need to improve on our attention achieving the higher state of consciousness, which is typically a problem-free zone. This means that when we achieve the state of meditation, we become one with nature and the universal all-pervading power. So powerful in fact that we rise above and steer clear of our problems. They do not just look smaller and less impactful, but they actually begin to disappear.

This is because the universal energy also has infinite intelligence. We can see this all around in nature’s creations. There isn’t a single instance of a flower or a tree growing the wrong way or being of the wrong color or shape. Nature’s creations are always perfect. When we blend in with this perfect and intelligent power, we find the perfect solutions to everything.

The challenge of course is in getting our attention to touch that higher state of consciousness as often as we can, i.e., during our meditation session and for the rest of our day. The longer we can do this, the more powerful the problem-solving benefits of this state. Not only the duration but the steadiness of the attention in that higher state also matters.

In the initial stages, many meditators report that their attention is dragged down to the lower or regular state of cognitive consciousness during their meditation session, even if they experience the higher, blissful state for a significant portion of their meditation session.

Over time and with practice and collective meditation, we perfect the method of being in that higher state. But, more importantly, we know when we’re in that state, and our lives seem to go extremely smoothly. But, conversely, when problems start popping up all over in our lives, it’s a clear sign that we have a problem in connecting to that all-pervading power and being in that higher state.

So, the first resort to problem-solving is working towards that beautiful state of meditation for as much as possible.

Targeted solutions and remedies

The second part of problem-solving involves introspecting, identifying, and working on the specific problem facing us. Here again, the solutions fall into different categories.

Spiritual solutions involve working at the spiritual level, such as identifying the chakra or channel that is affected or the root cause of the problem. Then we use Sahaja techniques and methods to heal the problem.

The other categories are behavioral and lifestyle changes. For instance, if you are stuck in a vicious cycle of negative thinking, moodiness, and depression, alongside spiritual techniques, you may also need to make lifestyle changes to fight the situations that worsen the problem. Brooding over life’s problems by sitting on a couch all day is the worst thing to do for this problem. Instead, the attempt should be to take up some brisk and motivating activities and keep oneself busy.

At other times, simpler lifestyle changes like changes in diet, exercise, or avoiding certain activities, places, or even people might help.

The combination of spiritual and lifestyle changes greatly helps the solution of the problem.

Collective meditation is a great tool to overcome one’s problems as it provides a stronger and deeper experience and opens us up to newer dimensions and experiences. In addition, it helps us gain knowledge and introspect, especially about the root causes of our problems. And the best part is that it helps every attendee, regardless of who has the problem, including the instructor.

There are many reports of how Sahaja practitioners immerse themselves in as many collective gathering experiences as possible when problems creep into their lives and when they feel lost.

In our first session last Sunday, we covered a common problem that many of us face from time to time – lethargy, tiredness, and lack of energy for doing many important things we’d like to do in life. It’s not as if discipline or awareness is the issue, but we’re just struggling to get things done and get over the period of seeming laziness and lack of energy, interest, and motivation.

In our next two sessions of the problem-solving series, we shall go over another almost universal challenge – finances and money. We’ll introspect on the guidance, teachings, and strategies available to meditators on attitudes towards money, achieving the right balance as well as potentially solving problems relating to not enough or too much money. Yes, that’s right, both of them can be problems for us.

If you enjoy deep meditation and, along with it, useful tips about practical solutions a meditator can find to life’s problems, then you’ll love these sessions.

Visit our meditation calendar for more details.