This coming Saturday, our meditation workshop will address the topic of career success. Most of us have had the opportunity to pursue a career or job with varied experiences. For some of us, it is one of the most important facets of our lives, even something we cannot exist without. Often it can also be one of our identities or even the identity that represents us in this world.

Then, there are those of us who pursue a career for the benefits – financial well-being or even to pursue our passion in a particular area.

But what does a career pursuit mean for a spiritual person? How should we look at it, plan for it and what should our attitude and focus towards it? We discuss many of these aspects in our workshop, including sharing how meditation can be used to transform your career in many ways.

Understanding yourself better to find the right career

For a spiritually inclined person, it all starts with knowing yourself better. Fortunately, exposure to our meditation and inner self gives us great insights to identify the right goals in our life, the extent of work-life balance we need, and our aspirations. We can understand what keeps us motivated and happy and the type of career and job that will work best for us.

The relationship between career success and money

Financial well-being is essential for all of us, but there are ways to work and find jobs that can keep us going just for the joy and passion we have in pursuing them, and money can be a consequential benefit. As meditators, we have been developing and can develop the ability to delink wealth and materialism from the true purpose of our work and careers, one of which is to do good to our society and the world.

The spiritual state of “Akarma” – working without feeling that we are

Perhaps, the highest achievement for a spiritual person is to be in a job or career where things can be achieved effortlessly, we can reach a spiritual state where it feels like we hardly put in any effort, but things seem to work out exceptionally well. We make significant progress, and our achievements become well known, yet, we feel no stress of having done anything at all. We discuss more on this state in our workshop.

Working to our own principles and standards

As spiritual people, we can figure out what makes us happy and contented rather than our job satisfaction or career objectives being determined by peer pressure or societal standards. We can learn to work to our absolutes in terms of protocols and workplace behavior rather than, for example, having to please our bosses.

The bedrock of calmness and confidence

The obvious benefit of meditation is to give us complete relaxation and calmness. Still, there are ways to build long-term confidence and mental and emotional stability that becomes an asset in our careers. Meditators are often noted for managing crises and problems without much stress or anxiety.

Emotional intelligence and empathy for co-workers

Some of the higher, subtler, and superior character traits at the workplace include a higher degree of emotional intelligence and empathy for colleagues. These special traits are being recognized as vital and as differentiators between people capable of successful careers than most others. Meditation naturally aligns with emotional intelligence, compassion, and empathy, and this has been established through several studies. So another great tool for meditators that can aid career growth and success.

There are several other benefits that meditation bestows upon us – teamwork and collectivity, communication and presentation skills, creative problem solving, being able to use our intuitive intelligence, and many more.

We will discuss all of these in our workshop. If you want to apply meditation benefits to your career, please join us for the 90-minute workshop.

All our meetings this month are available on our calendar.