Everything You Need to Know about Daily Meditation
Category: Sahaja 101
December 21, 2017

Establishing a daily meditation practice is the most important aspect of the journey of self-improvement for any practitioner. In this article, we share everything you need to know about your daily Sahaja meditation practice.
Why Do We Meditate Daily in Sahaja?
The journey of Sahaja in our lives is for the holistic healing of our innermost being. It drives our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual functioning and improvement in our lives. This is the subtle energy system of the Kundalini energy, the 7 principal chakras, and the 3 energy channels.
When we meditate daily, we nourish this inner subtle system and it keeps us on track for improvement in our lives. The connection we make to the all-pervading power also gives us the Thoughtless Awareness state which brings in a host of benefits including relaxation, peace, and calm, lowered stress and anxiety and better health in the medium and longer term. Importantly, we get a powerful replenishment of our vital energy that keeps us active each day.
For those pursuing Sahaja purely for spiritual upliftment, daily meditation is a means to connect themselves to the higher power and further their higher purpose goals in life.
What Happens When We’re Irregular with Our Meditation?
There’s no negative effect, but we’re likely to miss out on the benefits and the balanced state that results from our daily dose of meditation. We may find we’re getting more impatient and things don’t seem to be going well on the days when we skip or shorten our meditation. Giving it a priority as the first task to do after waking up goes a long way in making each day fruitful and productive.
In the medium term, we tend to lose the power we gather in our subtle energy system over time and for those who stop meditating completely, the Kundalini energy simply becomes dormant, without any harmful effects or problems.
Even if you’re meditating a few times a week, the effects and the power of your meditation is likely to be much weaker. Instead, daily meditation for at least 10 minutes is a better option leading to better and quicker results and progress.
What is the Typical Daily Sahaja Meditation Routine?
20 – 25 minutes twice a day, once after waking up and then before going to bed. Typically the meditation in the evening or night is accompanied by a foot soak that cools us down and relaxes us. It also serves to clear out our chakras.
This is a generic guideline, typically, practitioners land on a suitable meditation routine for themselves by experimenting what works best for them. Many practitioners may use additional clearing techniques depending on what their individual subtle energy system needs and where they may have imbalances or obstacles inside it.
What Steps are Essential in A Meditation Session?
Your subtle energy system must be activated first as a one time exercise. Our introductory sessions can help with this. It’s important to know that you may not be able to activate your own subtle energy system just by watching the videos or trying out the steps in our videos by yourself unless you’re a really evolved soul who has a subtle energy system primed for easy activation. That’s like 0.00000001% of the world population. So, it’s best to use our guided meditation and introductory session for this.
Once active, there are 3 basic steps for the meditation routine in a session –
- Raise your inner energy and prepare yourself for meditation. The video below explains it clearly.
2. Focus on the experience of Thoughtless Awareness. Use Affirmations or other balancing techniques as you need.
3. Raise your inner energy again and conclude the meditation.
Note: Raising of the energy is not a technique or exercise, it has to be done with full attention and feeling with the realization that you’re raising your inner energy. Once you develop sensitivity in your fingers for the energy, you’ll actually feel your energy when raising it.
Is There A Particular Place or Ambiance Recommended for Meditation?
Generally, any place is fine as long as it is quiet. A clean place with natural substances around is beneficial for increased vibrations or the natural all-pervading energy to fill the ambiance. You could optionally use flowers, scented candles or incense, but these are primarily for enhancing your experience further and not absolutely essential.
Is There A Particular Posture Recommended for Meditation?
You should be sitting in a comfortable position. It can be on the ground or on a chair. Sitting in the cross-legged pose is not essential. The hands are placed on the lap with palms facing upward and fingers stretched out, but they need to be relaxed and resting comfortably. This position of the hands is essential for you to experience the energy flowing through your fingers and center of the palm.
Eyes may be kept closed, but sometimes, if you’re getting too many thoughts, you can keep your eyes open and look at something natural – like a flower or a lawn or landscape outside or even the sky. It can help clear out your thoughts.
Is There A Recommended Time of the Day for Meditation?
There are no rigid prescriptions for anything in Sahaja meditation, but it’s a good practice to do your meditation early in the morning. Specifically, the time between 4.30 and 6 a.m. or the time of daybreak or dawn is ideal for maximizing the benefits. This is the time when the all-pervading energy is at maximum intensity.
It’s perfectly fine if you’re not an early riser, the overall quality of meditation and progress is more important than getting hung up on a particular time slot if you’re not able to make it.
How does One Improve The Quality of Meditation? How does The Duration of Meditation and/or The Number of Times Meditation is Practiced Influence The Benefits?
Sahaja meditation is about achieving the higher state, a higher consciousness. Hence, the optimal session of meditation is dependent on how well and how long we can stay in that higher state of Thoughtless Awareness. It’s important to know that our Kundalini energy rises and elevates our consciousness to this higher state, so we need to surrender and allow it to do so.
Sahaja meditation, therefore, is not all about techniques or doing some sort of a meditation routine – it needs self-awareness, feeling and surrender to one’s own individual energy to allow it to do its work.
Provided we’re able to achieve this state for the most part in a session, the longer the duration, the better the meditation. Same applies to the number of times we do our meditation daily. The typically recommended number is two, but one could try to meditate for more times in a day, as long as the higher state is achieved and the benefits are realized. Ultimately, each practitioner is the best judge of when to start and end the meditation, entirely based on the experience of this higher state. At times, people continue for a long time because they’re enjoying the deep state of meditation. At other times, they decide it’s time to come out because some days are just not conducive to high-quality meditation.
Strategies to improve the quality of meditations –
- Tips on Improving Thoughtless awareness – See information here.
- Humility and surrender. Read more here.
- Allowing the Kundalini energy to work it out. Read more here.
Does the Daily Meditation Routine Involve Healing and Clearing The Subtle Energy System?
Healing happens every time you meditate, this is an innate power of an activated subtle energy system. There are a number of clearing and balancing techniques in Sahaja and you can use them in your daily meditation as you need. These are used typically when you have full sensitivity to detect your own problems and then take appropriate measures to clear or balance yourself. You can watch the videos in our video library for techniques for balancing and clearing.
However, care must be exercised to ensure that the meditation does not become a ritual or filled with techniques instead of the deep experience of thoughtless awareness. Ensuring a good balance is essential in your daily routine. Our instructors and coaches can guide you on customized clearing and balancing techniques to suit your need.
What Keeps A Sahaja Practitioner Motivated to Keep Meditating Daily?
The deep experience and the results we begin to see.
There are different layers to exploring Sahaja and depending on the purpose for which people practice it, the benefits vary, but in every case, the practitioner begins to see positive changes over time.
Collective meditation is a vital and essential support system to stay motivated and prevent getting off track. The guided meditation sessions by our instructors and special coaching sessions are also helpful. Sahaja Online provides all of these – simply join our meditation sessions and feel free to request special assistance.
How can The Benefits of Daily Meditation be Measured?
You’ll begin to notice a change within yourself. Self-awareness and introspection are important. The strength and intensity of vibrations or the flow of the energy on your hands are directly correlated to the progress you make and the benefits. The length, duration, and quality of Thoughtless Awareness is also a direct indication of the benefits you will receive. These are very tangible measures you can use to gauge your own progress.
How can I Make Meditation A Habit since I’m New to it?
We have a special post written for this – you can read it here.
What Advanced Techniques and Stages are There in the Sahaja Practice for Incorporating into The Daily Individual Practice of Meditation?
Sahaja is a progressive journey. The above daily meditation routine that has been recommended is like a staple meditation diet and for everyone. If you’re beginning to feel the energy strongly and see significant positive changes in yourself, we can introduce you to the deeper knowledge of the chakras, their significance and how to work with each of your chakras. Many of these are covered in a variety of our online sessions. It’s a great idea to browse our Meditation Calendar each month and go through various sessions where our instructors expose you to different aspects of the Sahaja practice. There are even deeper levels we can take you beyond this that involve mantras and a deeper understanding of the spiritual side of Sahaja. Our one on one or in-person sessions are great for this and we can arrange these for you upon your request.
Ultimately, it’s your individual journey, you can pursue this at your own pace, in the comfort of your home. Sahaja Online is a full-service offering of Sahaja meditation that helps you navigate all the stages according to your daily motivation and desire.