Tag: The ultimate meaning of life
“The Ultimate Meaning of Life” Questions Answered – Part II
Can The Existence of God and The Divine Power be Proven Beyond Just faith?
It can be scientifically proven only indirectly, by measuring the outcomes in human beings through clinical studies and trials. For example, MRI scans of the brain can display patterns in Sahaja meditators that are unique and relating to enlargement of certain vital areas of the brain (increased gray matter). Through repeated analysis and demonstration of cause and effect of spiritual meditation and combining it with anecdotal experience of practitioners, it is possible to indirectly prove that the divine power felt by practitioners is real and has unique effects. Yet, the direct scientific proof and measurement of this power is not possible and may never be, because the purpose of the divine power has always been for human beings to achieve higher purpose and pursuits, not to show off its existence for any kind of gain.