Tag: Stress in life
Does your life feel like it’s on a treadmill?
A treadmill is a great workout machine. It is designed to keep you walking once you turn it on. And you can do nothing but walk or run on it; if you stop while it’s running, you will fall. Suppose someone sets the treadmill at a pace that you aren’t comfortable and you can’t turn it off either. How would it feel? You must keep walking and running at an uncomfortable pace with no control and no ability to get off.
We go through phases when it can feel like our entire life is on a treadmill. And here’s how that can feel:
You’re busy day in and day out, with very little time left for activities you would like to do.
You can’t control or choose your time.
You are into activities that do not feel productive, meaningful, or enjoyable.
You cannot stop the monotony; you are too scared to change your life.
Your commitments are crushing you.
You wonder how long this will continue and don’t see a way out.
You can feel the stress and some anxiety and don’t see a way out.
Meditation can help, and we are here to help you change your life positively.