Tag: prioritizing meditation

Is Meditation a Priority for You?

For many, Meditation just doesn’t seem to be an immediate priority. They figure they’ll get to it at some point in their lives. More commonly, many think they should probably wait and explore meditation at a point when they’re less “active.” For some reason, meditation is wrongly associated with being physically inactive, or viewed as an activity you do when you have nothing else important to do. Meditation is sometimes viewed as a classic “postpone for retirement” candidate.


Others view meditation as a practice that must be borne out of necessity — to solve a particular problem or health concern. If they’re already successful, generally content and have what they want, or at least most of it — money, success, fame, peace of mind — meditation seems “unnecessary.”


And finally, for those of us who are already meditators, we pass through periods in life where many other things become priority and meditation takes a back seat, sometimes too frequently. Sure we’re meditators, but not all that regular.


Should meditation be a priority in our lives, if so, why and how?