Tag: power of love
Love: the purest and most powerful energy
In one of my recent online meditation sessions, I decided to choose the topic of love and its spiritual significance. Love is an ages-old feeling and phenomenon that is perhaps most widely and loosely used in our lives. To confirm this, I started looking up the dictionary meaning of the word and was hardly surprised at how the world understands it.
In fact, the meanings got more and more ridiculous and plainly wrong as I went down the list of various definitions of love.
A profoundly tender and passionate affection for another person? That’s way too shallow.
A feeling of warm personal attachment as for a parent, child or friend? I’d argue that it’s quite the opposite – those who love do so without any attachments.
Sexual passion and desire? Now, it clearly was time to toss the dictionary as useless for understanding what love really is.
So, let’s try and understand what love really means at a very evolved level of existence – in a spiritual person’s life.