meditation for professionals – Sahaja Online meditation for professionals – Sahaja Online

Sahaja Blog

Meditation Tips for Workplace Success

At Sahaja Online, we strive to make the lives of people easier, purposeful and valuable by telling them about how meditation can help in as many aspects of their lives as possible.


A couple of weeks ago, in one of my online sessions, I decided to cover how meditation can help in workplace success. Meditation is like a centerpiece of a spiritual person, it helps build our personality and develop skills in whatever we do or think about in our waking time.


The time spent at the higher state of consciousness grants us the power to examine and improve the time we spend at the next lower level of our consciousness, which is our regular state of awareness when we’re awake. And nothing compounds like the benefits of meditation in the long term, it builds a strong and balanced personality within us capable of achieving positive outcomes in every facet of our life.


And our workplace or career is no exception to this rule.

by Shankar Ramani

11 Ways Sahaja Resonates with Busy Professionals

Busy professionals rely on all sorts of tools to make things work: scheduling tools, clever smartphone applications and a supportive team. But, do you ever feel like something is still missing? Even with so many tools within arm’s reach, it’s easy to get caught up in daily tasks and feel overwhelmed, uncertain and less than fulfilled. Sahaja meditation serves as a powerful force for self-improvement and personal and professional growth. With regular practice, you’ll find a deeper understanding of the world and your role in it.

by Sahaja Online