How we’ll get over the current crisis

Category: Meditation


Shankar Ramani

Hope and positivity

Unmistakably, what we’re seeing today is the number one crisis in the world today. In all likelihood, all the email you’re receiving now is Covid – 19 readiness or news about the run on toilet paper and face masks. The world seems to be filled with dire predictions and gloom and doom.


As experienced meditators, we offer a more positive viewpoint as well as our insights and recommended strategies on dealing with the crisis.



#1 You can rise above panic and anxiety.


This is real, not something philosophical.


We panic and fear uncertainty because most of us apply our logical thinking and brains to solve every question and problem. When we cannot, we think that we’ve lost and are no longer in control. This leads to anxiety and panic.


However, meditators and especially those who practice Sahaja meditation, know, understand and experience the higher state of awareness that is above thought, panic and anxiety.


Every meditation session takes us higher into this stage and this relaxes us. It makes us patient, resilient and helps witness adverse situations.


So, in real terms, you can rise above the turmoil for at least 30 minutes, twice a day. This will help you remain much calmer during your entire day.


And those of us who think we’re experienced meditators need to dig deeper than ever. We need to help our communities.


#2 The world has seen pandemics and crises before – they do pass


This time around, it’s more than just faith in the power of the divine. We know that it exists. Every day, we have a connection to the power that runs the universe. This is also the power that can kill negativity and protect human beings. It desires benevolence and evolution, not the destruction of human beings.


This power will eventually win.


We need to surrender to the power that we have easy access to and allow it to work.


#3 Happier times will be back again, with a new normal


There are already a number of positive developments:


  • A number of vaccines are under development and experimental testing has begun already.


There are reports of very good progress on vaccine development from Seattle and San Diego, US, Israel and Canada. Everyone is handing out 12 to 18 months for vaccines to be available, but the scientific and medical talent in this world is likely to eventually beat the clock and make something available much sooner. Initial reports are emerging that the use of combination drugs (though still not approved or formally tested on a large scale) by doctors in China, Japan, Thailand and India on a handful of cases to see full recoveries or slow down the virus growth.


  • China is slowly getting back to normal and the number of cases decreasing rapidly there and in South Korea.


With very severe social distancing and lockdown measures proactively being adopted, it is reasonable to assume that other countries where cases have started spiking will not hit the same level of crisis as Italy or China. It’s time to have faith that people in today’s world are far more intelligent and a higher percentage of the population is educated in this 21st century. Let the dire predictions in the media not let us throw off balance and stay positive.


  • The scarcity of essential supplies will be short-lived.


Experts in the US are instructing the public not to hoard supplies. Their worst-case scenario is that some exotic and special items, especially those that are imported from Europe may be unavailable, but for the most part, there will not be a scarcity of food and essential items. The temporary panic buying of toilet paper and hand sanitizers will subside very soon and the shelves in stores for those products will soon see excess supply and slow sales as people realize that they’ve stocked up for a year of supplies. There isn’t after all, any infrastructure disruption, such as a hurricane or other type of natural disaster at this time. There should be no reason for production not to be increased and the supplies to be made available and this is happening.


Of course, there is a genuine risk of medical supplies being short, but this too is based on a pessimistic worst-case scenario of the epidemic. Our manufacturing and supply chain maturity in today’s world is capable of rising up to the demands. At this time, experts are also predicting that local US producers will see increased sales as imports are delayed and this is a good thing.


The world has seen many crises before. Arts, sports, fun, social gatherings and entertainment have always come back.


But we will need to adjust a new normal before they can come back. In the current crisis situation, the new normal of the future might look like this, entirely based on some positive, emerging trends we’re seeing:


  • Testing for Covid-19 will very soon be available broadly and easily


Body temperature testing and infection testing may become permanently mandatory at the points of entry in many places – airports, event venues, educational institutions and even workplaces. Once anyone tests positive, appropriate protocols and measures will be undertaken to quarantine and heal the person while the rest of the world will carry on as normal. Social distancing will eventually go away once these new protective and security measures are commonplace everywhere. Right now, everyone is panicking because they can’t fathom what the changes will be.  


We will likely be able to have access to test ourselves when we want. Recently the state of Colorado piloted drive-through testing for the virus. The concept worked, but they aren’t yet ready to handle the volumes. When ready, we’ll simply be able to drive through pharmacies and get tested, then decide to take appropriate measures to treat ourselves. Cleveland’s MetroHealth Medical Center has developed a test that turns around the results in 2 hours. That’s very positive. In China, testing in some places is automatic using connected 5G thermometers to raise an alert when someone with a temperature walks into a building. Soon, we’ll reach a point where someone testing positive for a virus will not raise panic all around. Instead, that person will merely be separated out and everything and everyone will sterilize and take a pill and move on. Think of it as an airport screening routine that has become a default part of our lives.


  • Our medical and healthcare system will move and adjust to a new normal to be able to deal with pandemic attacks. Many new advancements are underway already.


Robots in China are already being used to relieve the stress and workload of healthcare workers. They are being used, for example, to sterilize medical facilities and to deliver food and drinks to patients. In Spain, drones are already being used in the fight against the virus for monitoring patients. And let’s watch out for automatic UV sterilization of facilities and many other things in our near future, these are already here. We will not have to worry about wiping down or washing our hands so often, technology and automation will keep our environment clean and germ-free automatically. Like, for instance, event venues will be filled with disinfection devices and robots that emit ultraviolet light just before admitting in the crowds and maybe even halfway during the game. There may be “sterilization” breaks during games.


  • Healthcare will become costlier but we’ll factor this in as a necessity


While ingenious inventions to combat the epidemic will materialize, we will also feel the impact on our healthcare costs. It will be more costly for an individual to stay healthy than it is now. But didn’t we learn to adjust with higher costs of living as what is deemed essential to our lives grew? 20 years ago, not every person had a cell phone. Today, that expense is considered a necessity and factored into our lifestyle. Leading a safe and secure life amidst dangerous virus outbreaks will soon become a necessity or an essential cost that we will likely take into our stride and move on.


  • Another economic recession will make us stronger and more disciplined eventually


We will have another round of lessons learned after the economic impact of the current crisis is dealt with. These will be painful, financially, than prior recessions. But it will cause many more people to build up emergency funds and move away from risky investments like the stock market.


  • Remote offerings will become commonplace in many industries


Many businesses will move to offer entirely remote interaction with clients as a permanent option – all restaurants will have food delivery as an option, for instance, or this may even become the law. And food testing will become more stringent so people can be worry-free about infections. Telemedicine will become standard, it is already being used in a big way to combat the current crisis. The days are not far when most of us will interact with our doctors through video chats, much of the doctor visits may go away. Gyms will offer online courses or peloton type machines will take over the fitness industry.


In short, things will come back to normal but with several safeguards and changes in our lives. And they will return slowly, but steadily, back to normal. Most of these changes will ultimately be seen as a way and path for human beings to evolve to a better state by rising above the challenges.


As meditators, let’s derive comfort from watching the progress being made through recovery in countries like China rather than read the depressing news about things getting worse elsewhere.


#4 Meditation at this time can lower a lot of stress and anxiety


Stress and anxiety reliefs are proven benefits of meditation and not much needs to be said, except that this is a great time to get into meditation as a lifestyle and begin to tap into its benefits.


We are here for you and times like this are the primary reason why Sahaja Online was created. You can learn and explore meditation to any level of depth you like – just ask.


#5 Meditation builds immunity


Meditation won’t cure anything but it has been proven to help build greater immunity. And this is a longer-term and generic immunity, so don’t expect to develop immunity to Covid-19 immediately, this isn’t going to happen.


#6 Advanced meditation techniques go further


In Sahaja meditation, we go beyond the typical stress relief type meditation. We have many advanced techniques. However, the benefits of these are only for those who progress step by step and use their experience to understand how deep it really can take them. It’s a personal journey with fantastic benefits, not a mass cure or relief. If you’re interested, we do offer this path and some have gone very deep and far along on this spiritual meditation journey.


#7 Adversity builds character and offers a chance to introspect


Where, how and when have we been complacent and taking things for granted? Did we really unnecessarily and carelessly plunder the gifts of nature given to us?


Did we have a chance to be good to others or even think of the world and community and did we just let it go because we were too busy?


Are we really being considerate to the elderly and sick people who are at much higher risk or are we only thinking about ourselves?


Are our teenage and slightly older children mature and responsible enough to understand that social distancing is critical now even though their symptoms, if infected, will be mild? There are reports of college students partying upon hearing the closure of colleges recently even though the warning was to follow social distancing. This is a test for how well we’ve raised our children.


How do we test the depth of our character traits during the worst times?


Now is a great time to make a resolve to go through uncertainty, deal with it and come out victorious in our assessment of our own selves and our maturity levels.


We wish you the best during these testing times. Meditation and moral support is what we can offer, so our sessions are on in full swing at the moment.


But remember, we’re going to get through all this very soon and become stronger as a result. A lot of what we’ve reported as positive developments are based on facts. The media is scared of sending out positive news and signals now because no one will believe them.


You can choose to be frightened and worried or dive deep into meditation and start thinking about the recovery that’s coming.