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Clears Blockages via Guided Meditation

The guided meditation that we offer here at Sahaja Online provides many benefits, and different people experience the effects in different ways. Far too often, people want to quantify things, but this is not always possible.

There are some human experiences that cannot be adequately conveyed in words. You may have an innate intuition that is telling you there is some type of underlying force or energy that has everything to do with the way that events unfold around you. Many people have become interested in so called “new age” theories and philosophies over recent years. There have been many books and movies released that have given people a lot of food for thought.

by Sahaja Online

Sahaja, Anxiety, and Intrusive Thoughts

If you’re someone who struggles with anxiety, you’re well aware of the toll it takes on your wellness, impacting your body, mind, and behavior. Regardless of how anxiety may manifest in your daily life, it’s likely you’ve sought relief. And for many people struggling with anxiety and intrusive thoughts, Sahaja has been a safe haven.

In fact, one small 6-week study of Sahaja meditation showed a significant reduction in symptoms of anxiety and depression in 24 patients with Major Depression, compared to control group and a group receiving cognitive behavioral therapy. Meditation, particularly Sahaja, helps us process and regulate our emotions by empowering us to better control what feel, think about, and give our attention to.
You may be wondering how – so let’s take a look.

by Sahaja Online

Guided Meditation and the Collective Unconscious

You may wonder why Sahaja Online offers guided meditation sessions that include hundreds of participants at the same time, and the answer lies in the concept of the collective unconscious. In the West, the noted psychiatrist Carl Jung wrote a lot about it. In essence, he contended that by virtue of being human beings, we all have access to the shared memories of the species.

by Sahaja Online

How Guided Meditation Works to Improve Your Life

Meditation is a universal, tremendously helpful tool for those who are seeking relief from mental and emotional struggles, looking for personal progression, or simply those who desire greater happiness. It might sound like a difficult task, but there are practices like guided meditation for anxiety and stress that help people through the process to healing and wellness. Read on to discover how guided meditation can help you on your journey to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual enhancement.

by Sahaja Online

Spirituality vs. Religion

Are spirituality and religion the same thing? While there is indeed some overlap in these concepts, they are actually quite different from one another. For example, while someone may identify as being spiritual, it does not necessarily mean they are committed to a specific group or doctrine.

by Sahaja Online