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Sahaja Blog

Transforming Your Productivity Through Meditation

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.


– Abraham Lincoln


Something quite similar goes on when we use Sahaja meditation as a tool for improving our productivity. We all have busy lives and most of the time, we’re juggling different tasks and dealing with a bunch of different challenges, all at the same time. If only we had more time. And energy. If only there were more hours in a day.


But the secret lies not in managing time. Or the number of hours in a day. Or trying to make the challenges go away. It lies in managing and fixing ourselves so we develop sharp clarity and focus on our attention and improve the pace at which we get things done and problems solved. Our productivity, in other words.

by Shankar Ramani

Highly Effective Meditation Techniques for Spring and Summer

You might wonder how meditation techniques can change with the weather. Well, Sahaja meditation provides a broad range of techniques and there are some of them that lend themselves very well to the use of nature’s conditions in spring and summer.


These are to do with the use of the natural elements because it’s easier and fun to be outdoors during these times of the year. But while you’re enjoying being outdoors, you can combine fun with some great meditation techniques that give huge benefits.

by Sahaja Online

Preserving Your Meditative State All Day Long

You’ve just finished a wonderfully peaceful meditation, opened your eyes and suddenly think, what about the rest of my day? I’ve got another 12 hours of relentless bombardment by modern life and how do I take some of this feeling with me? This is a question that all of us who meditate and live in the hustle and bustle of modern life often ask ourselves and find ourselves without a ready solution.

by David Dunphy

Every Day is Mother’s Day

For Sahaja meditators, this is an absolute truth to know. Mother’s day isn’t just one day in a year. Every Day is Mother’s Day.


Sahaja meditation works by elevating our consciousness to a new, higher state – a realm we can only reach by the power of mother-like feminine energy inside us – the Kundalini energy.

by Shankar Ramani

Enjoying Life with What You Have

The lives of meditators and those who pursue spirituality are special. While on one hand, they feel lucky and even privileged to have found the right direction and purpose in their lives, their relationship with the material world and materialistic pursuits can be very different from normal people.


What if we told you that there’s a way that meditation can keep you happy in life irrespective of what you have?

by Shankar Ramani