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7 Power-Packed Life Changing Strategies

We’re in a transformative pursuit in life, at least spiritually. I love things that give me the maximum “Bang for the buck”. But that’s figuratively speaking because in reality, I like to spend no money at all and still get a huge payback on any strategy, approach or tool I use in life. And I like life changing strategies to take the least out of my attention.


Yes, meditators need to use the technique of “Return on attention”, or ROA as I like to call it,  more than the traditional return on investment or ROI paradigm. That’s because our attention is more valuable than our time or money, even though time is extremely valuable too.


Our attention is our primary vehicle for spiritual pursuits. You can’t pay for spiritual progress, it’s a subtle, inner journey that is highly customized to you. And history shows that people spent their entire lifetimes struggling to get spiritual Self-Realization but got nowhere. All the time they had at their disposal didn’t help them. Every bit of our attention spent on low value-adding activities is attention lost for our spiritual progress.


by Shankar Ramani

The 10 Defining Tenets of Spirituality

As we’ve always maintained, one of the biggest obstacles the world has is to understand the real meaning of Spirituality and not confuse it with related concepts like religion or other philosophies.


Spirituality is important because our meditation is centered around discovering your inner self through an inner subtle instrument within us. This means that meditation and spirituality are part of the same concept and truth and inseparable.


by Sahaja Online

A Better You in 2019 – But in Which Dimension?

It’s a New Year and the instructors along with the entire team at Sahaja Online wishes you the best success in achieving new heights and successes in 2019. But we have a special message for you. You’ll need to seek out these new levels of improvement in the right dimension in your life. Of all the dimensions available to us to spend our attention, the spiritual dimension is the greatest and most magnificent.


Any success that any of us achieve in getting better in that dimension is exponentially more fruitful and powerful in our lives.


by Sahaja Online

Deepening Your Meditation Experience

Many of us struggle on the periphery of the realm that gives us a deep, soothing experience when we meditate. We merely touch the surface. For some of us, that’s the way it has been for months or even years. For others, a tepid, imperceptible sensation that seems to make us mildly calmer is all we have thus far – we await the moment where the meditation experience can penetrate into us.


In fact, all this may be true of the 80% of us meditators. But some of us are fortunate to have the nectar of deep meditation at some points in time, however infrequent it may be.  The question is – how is this state achieved and why don’t we get this every day and each time we meditate?

by Sahaja Online

The Magical Meditation Technique That Can Transform You

Over my two decades of practice of meditation, if there’s one technique or strategy I can single out as the most effective, it’s this one. It comes highly recommended by those practitioners who like to go very deep into the practice and discover new levels inside them and abilities they did not know existed.


Personally, I’ve used it to make radical changes in my life when I felt the need. Equally well, when I was hitting a low in my spiritual journey, this is the technique that helps most by being a wake-up call and quickly getting me back to balance.

by Shankar Ramani